
Instrument Namesort descending Acronym Description
SeaFAST Automated Preconcentration System

The seaFAST is an automated sample introduction system for analysis of seawater and other high matrix samples for analyses by ICPMS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry).

PI-supplied names:
SeaFAST pico;
seaFAST-pico metal extraction system ;

SeaFast PICO system (ESI);
SeaFAST system;
seaFAST Pico;
in-line separation-preconcentration system (Elemental Scientific SeaFAST SP3);
SeaFAST Automated Preconcentration System (Elemental Scientific);
Automated solid phase extraction system seaFAST-pico;
Automated solid phase extraction system seaFAST-pico (Elemental Scientific);
SC-DX seaFAST system (Elemental Scientific; M-SFS2-MG-52);
seaFAST preconcentration system (Elemental Scientific);
Elemental Scientific seaFAST-pico
Seaglider Seaglider

The Seaglider is an autonomous underwater vehicle developed through a collaboration between The Applied Physics Laboratory -University of Washington and the University of Washington School of Oceanography. These small, free-swimming vehicles can gather conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) data from the ocean for months at a time and transmit it to shore in near-real time via satellite data telemetry. Seagliders make oceanographic measurements traditionally collected by research vessels or moored instruments. They can survey along a transect, profile at a fixed location, and can be commanded to alter their sampling strategies throughout a mission.

PI-supplied names:
Seagliders Violeta and Gladis
Seal Analytical AutoAnalyser 3HR Seal Analytical AutoAnalyser 3HR

A fully automated Segmented Flow Analysis (SFA) system, ideal for water and seawater analysis. It comprises a modular system which integrates an autosampler, peristaltic pump, chemistry manifold and detector. The sample and reagents are pumped continuously through the chemistry manifold, and air bubbles are introduced at regular intervals forming reaction segments which are mixed using glass coils. The AA3 uses segmented flow analysis principles to reduce inter-sample dispersion, and can analyse up to 100 samples per hour using stable LED light sources.

PI-supplied names:
SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 four-channel segmented flow analyzer;
SEAL Analytics autoanalyzer model 3 HR;
SEAL AutoAnalyzer III;

Seal Analytical AA3;
SEAL Analytical AA3 HR ;
SEAL Analytical AA3 HR;
SEAL Analytical AA3 HR discrete chemistry analyzer
SeapHOx/SeaFET SeapHOx/SeaFET

The SeapHOx and SeaFET are autonomous sensors originally designed and developed by the Todd Martz Lab at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. The SeaFET was designed to measure pH and temperature. The SeapHOx, designed later, combined the SeaFET with additional integrated sensors for dissolved oxygen and conductivity. Refer to Martz et al. 2010 (doi:10.4319/lom.2010.8.172).

The SeapHOx package is now produced by Sea-Bird Scientific and allows for integrated data collection of pH, temperature, salinity, and oxygen. Refer to Sea-Bird for specific model information.

PI-supplied names:
Seaphox, Scripps Institution of oceanography;

Satlantic SeapHOx;
SeaFET sensors;
Seabird SeapHOx;
SeapHOx instrument package;
SeapHOx sensor
Seapoint Turbidity Meter Seapoint Turbidity

The Seapoint Turbidity Meter detects light scattered by particles suspended in water, generating an output voltage proportional to turbidity or suspended solids.

PI-supplied names:
Seapoint Turbidity Meter;
Seapoint Turbidity
SeaSoar SeaSoar

Towed, undulating vehicle usually equipped with a VPR, TAPS, PAR, CTD

PI-supplied names:
SeaWiFS Profiling Multi-Channel Radiometer SPMR

The SeaWiFS Profiling Multi-Channel Radiometer (SPMR) is a free-falling instrument that is equipped with two sensors, collecting the upwelling irradiance (Ed) and downwelling (Lu) radiance at the following 11 wavelengths: 324, 340, 380, 412, 443, 490, 510, 555, 565, 665, and 683nm. The unit is protected in a long case that contains the majority of the system's electronics, while the optical sensors are located at either end of the case and face in opposite directions (i.e., up and down). These sensors measure the irradiance in units of uW/cm2/nm and the radiance in units of uW/cm2/nm/sr. Tilt and pressure are recorded at the same frequency as the irradiance measurements (6Hz). The SPMR is accompanied by a deck reference sensor, called the SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference (SMSR). This sensor is equipped with the same 11 wavelengths as the SPMR, and is based on the same electronics. Data acquisition is synchronized between the SPMR and the SMSR and is performed at the same (6Hz) frequency.

PI-supplied names:
SeaWiFS Profiling Multi-Channel Radiometer
Secchi Disc Secchi Disc

Typically, a 16 inch diameter white/black quadrant disc used to measure water optical clarity

PI-supplied names:
Secchi Disc;
secchi disk;

Secchi disk
Sedgewick Rafter Counting Chamber

Sedgewick Rafter Counting Chambers are transparent slides widely water analysis, culture inspection, and for other applications where particles per unit volume in fluid must be determined. The slide has a base that is ruled in one-thousand 1-millimeter squares. When a liquid is held in the cell by a coverglass, the grid subdivides 1 milliliter of liquid into 1 microliter volume.

PI-supplied names:
Sedgewick Rafter (PYSER-SGI)
Sediment Porewater Sampler

A device that collects samples of pore water from various horizons below the seabed.

PI-supplied names:
Rhizon samplers;
Rhizon samplers (Rhizosphere Research Products, Wageningen, The Netherlands);

PushPoint sippers
Sediment Profile Imager SPI Camera

Sediment profile imagers provide in-situ still or video images of a section including bottom water, the undisturbed sediment-water interface and the upper sediment layers.

PI-supplied names:
Camera - Sediment Profile Imaging
Sediment suction sampler

Devices that collect samples from the sediment layer surface using suction. The mechanism of suction can be accomplished by either vacuum, by pressure difference between the air inside the sampler and surrounding water, by pumping water directly into the sampler, or by under pressure air to elevate the sediment inside the sampler. Devices are typically diver- or remotely-operated.

PI-supplied names:
Sediment Trap Sediment Trap

Sediment traps are specially designed containers deployed in the water column for periods of time to collect particles from the water column falling toward the sea floor. In general a sediment trap has a jar at the bottom to collect the sample and a broad funnel-shaped opening at the top with baffles to keep out very large objects and help prevent the funnel from clogging. This designation is used when the specific type of sediment trap was not specified by the contributing investigator.

PI-supplied names:
Sediment Trap;
HOE-DYLAN 5 sediment trap;
surface-tethered drifting sediment traps;

McLane Mark 78-H PARFLUX time-series sediment traps;
sediment trap array;
sediment traps;
Particle Export LAGRAngian sediment traps (PELAGRA);
surface tethered trap (STT);
VERTEX-style, surface-tethered, drifting sediment trap;
Sediment trap array;
Sediment trap;
bottom-moored sediment traps ;
surface tethered sediment traps (STT);
McLane Parflux traps;
PITS Sediment Traps
Sediment Trap - Floating Sed Trap - Float

Floating sediment traps are specially designed sampling devices deployed to float in the water column (as opposed to being secured to a mooring at a fixed depth) for periods of time to collect particles from the water column that are falling toward the sea floor. In general a sediment trap has a container at the bottom to collect the sample and a broad funnel-shaped opening at the top with baffles to keep out very large objects and help prevent the funnel from clogging. The 'Sediment Trap -Floating' designation is used for a floating type of sediment trap about which no other design details are known.

PI-supplied names:
Floating Sediment Trap;
Sed Trap - Float;

Particle Interceptor Trap System (PITS)
Sediment Trap - IRS Sed Trap - IRS

Sediment traps are specially designed containers deployed in the water column for periods of time to collect particles from the water column falling toward the sea floor. In general a sediment trap has a jar at the bottom to collect the sample and a broad funnel-shaped opening at the top with baffles to keep out very large objects and help prevent the funnel from clogging. The Indented Rotating Sphere (IRS) Sediment Trap is described in Peterson et al. (Field evaluation of a valved sediment trap. 1993. Limnology and Oceanography, 38, pp. 1741-1761 and Novel techniques for collection of sinking particles in the ocean and determining their settling rates. 2005. Limnology and Oceanography Methods 3, pp. 520-532). The IRS trap consists of four cylindrical modules; a particle interceptor, an IRS valve; a skewed funnel, and an eleven sample carousel (designated IRSC trap). The key to the trap design is the patented IRS valve located between the particle interceptor and particle accumulator portions of the trap. The valve and carousel are regulated by a TattleTale IVA (manufactured by Onset Computer Corp.) microprocessor and custom software. The IRS sediment trap was specifically designed to exclude zooplankton (Trull et al. 2008. Deep-Sea Research II v.55 pp. 1684-1695).

PI-supplied names:
IRS Sediment Trap;
Sediment Trap - IRS
Sediment Trap - Particle Interceptor Sed Trap - Part Int

A Particle Interceptor Trap is a prototype sediment trap designed in the mid 1990s to segregate 'swimmers' from sinking particulate material sampled from the water column. The prototype trap used 'segregation plates' to deflect and segregate 'swimmers' while a series of funnels collected sinking particles in a chamber (see Dennis A. Hansell and Jan A. Newton. September 1994. Design and Evaluation of a "Swimmer"-Segregating Particle Interceptor Trap, Limnology and Oceanography, Vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 1487-1495).

PI-supplied names:
Particle Interceptor Trap;
Sediment Trap - Particle Interceptor;
PIT sediment trap;

Particle-Interceptor-Traps (PITs);
free-floating NetTrap;
Particle Interceptor Trap System (PITS)
Seine Net

A seine net is a very long net, with or without a bag in the centre, which is set either from the shore or from a boat for surrounding a certain area and is operated with two (long) ropes fixed to its ends (for hauling and herding the fish).

Seine nets are operated both in inland and in marine waters. The surrounded and catching area depends on the length of the seine and of the hauling lines.

(definition from:

PI-supplied names:
seine net ;
beach seine;
Bag seine;

Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus SCUBA

The self-contained underwater breathing apparatus or scuba diving system is the result of technological developments and innovations that began almost 300 years ago. Scuba diving is the most extensively used system for breathing underwater by recreational divers throughout the world and in various forms is also widely used to perform underwater work for military, scientific, and commercial purposes.


PI-supplied names:
Self-Contained Underwater Fluorescence Apparatus SCUFA

The Self-Contained Underwater Fluorescence Apparatus (SCUFA)
is a type of Submersible Fluorometer available from Turner Designs that can be deployed in either moored or profiling mode (SCUFA brochure).

PI-supplied names:
Self-Contained Underwater Fluorescence Apparatus
Sensor Data 6000 Current Meter SD-6000

The Model SD-6000 MINI current meter is a vector averaging field current meter with recording capacity for up to 6,000 measurements of current speed, direction and temperature. The instrument can be programmed to carry out measurements at given intervals from each minute to each 3 hour via PC or by holding a magnet outside marked points on the instrument.Information is communicated to and from SD-6000 via an infra-red emitter/photodiode pair mounted inside the instrument's transparent top cap. An optoconverter (SD-40) which is positioned over the instrument top cap during communication with a PC converts optosignals to standard RS-232. Download of data to a PC takes a maximum 30 seconds after which data can be immediately processed and displayed. SD-6000 can also be used as a remote monitoring instrument supplying data in real time via a cable.

PI-supplied names:
Sensor Data 6000 Current Meter
Sentry Precision Robotic Impeller Driven Sampler SyPRID Sampler

The SyPRID (Sentry Precision Robotic Impeller Driven) sampler is an innovative deep-rated (6000 m) plankton sampler that partners with the Sentry Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) to obtain paired, large-volume plankton samples at specified depths and survey lines to within 1.5 m of the seabed and with simultaneous collection of sensor data.

SyPRID uses a perforated Ultra-High-Molecular-Weight (UHMW) plastic tube to support a fine mesh net within an outer carbon composite tube (tube-within-a-tube design), with an axial flow pump located aft of the capture filter. The pump facilitates flow through the system and minimizes the bow wave at the mouth opening. The cod end, a hollow truncated cone, is also made of UHMW plastic and is designed to 'soften' the landing of zooplankton on the capture surface.   SyPRID attaches as a saddle-pack to the Sentry vehicle.

Sentry itself is configured with a flight control system that enables autonomous survey paths to altitudes as low as 1.5 m.  In its inaugural deployment at the Blake Ridge Seep (2160 m) on the US Atlantic Margin, SyPRID was operated for 6 h at an altitude of 5 m.  It recovered plankton samples from that stratum in excellent condition and with greater larval numbers than recovered in a typical 'near-bottom' MOCNESS sample from comparable habitats and depths.  The prototype SyPRID and its next generations will enable studies of plankton or other particulate distributions associated with patchy habitats, localized physico-chemical strata (e.g., above and below the thermocline), or discrete water masses at an unprecedented spatial resolution for a large volume system [1].

More information is available by contacting:
Carl Kaiser
Program Manager
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering
NDSF AUV Operations Manager
Office Phone: +1 508 289 3269

[1] Billings, A., Kaiser, C., Young, C. M., Hiebert, L. S., Cole, E., Wagner, J. K. S., & Van Dover, C. L. (2017). SyPRID sampler: A large-volume, high-resolution, autonomous, deep-ocean precision plankton sampling system. In Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography (Vol. 137, pp. 297–306). Elsevier BV.

PI-supplied names:
Sequoia LISST Digital Holographic Particle Imaging System LISST-Holo

Submersible Digital Holographic Particle Imaging System for measurement of large, complex flocs and biological particles. Also used for investigation of frazil ice formation and in-situ measurements of falling snow flakes. A laser beam traverses the optical path of the camera, overfilling a CCD array, creating a hologram.

PI-supplied names:
Sequoia Scientific Laser In-Situ Sediment Size Transmissometer Sequoia LISST

A self-contained unit which measures the scattering of LASER light at a number of angles. This primary measurement is mathematically inverted to give a grain size distribution, and also scaled to obtain the volume scattering function. The size distribution is presented as concentration in each of the grain-size class bins. Optical transmission, water depth and temperature are recorded as supporting measurements.

The Sequoia LISST 100-X series instruments are available in two range sizes: 1.25-250 microns (Type B) and 2.5-500 microns (Type C).

PI-supplied names:
LISST-100X Type C Sequoia Scientific;
Laser In Situ Scatterometer and Transmissometer 100X (LISST Type B, Sequoia Scientific Inc.)

A Shaker is a piece of lab equipment used to mix, blend, or to agitate substances in tube(s) or flask(s) by shaking them, which is mainly used in the fields of chemistry and biology. A shaker contains an oscillating board which is used to place the flasks, beakers, test tubes, etc.

PI-supplied names:
Retsch MM 400 shaker;
Orbital Shaker;

orbital shaker;
shaker table;
shaking table
Shimadzu TOC-L Analyzer Shimadzu TOC-L

A Shimadzu TOC-L Analyzer measures DOC by high temperature combustion method.

Developed by Shimadzu, the 680 degree C combustion catalytic oxidation method is now used worldwide. One of its most important features is the capacity to efficiently oxidize hard-to-decompose organic compounds, including insoluble and macromolecular organic compounds. The 680 degree C combustion catalytic oxidation method has been adopted for the TOC-L series.

PI-supplied names:
Shimadzu TOC-L;
Shimadzu TOC-L analyzer;
modified Shimazdu TOC-L;

Shimadzu TOC-L CPH;
Shimadzu TOC- 5000A analyzer;
Shimadzu TOC-L total organic carbon analyzer;
Shimadzu TOC-L analyzer ;
Shimadzu TOC-L Analyzer;
Shimadzu Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOC-L) (Shimazdu, Columbia, MD);
Shimadzu TOC-L DOC/TOC analyzer;
Shimadzu TOC 5050 analyzer;
Shimadzu high temperature catalytic oxidation analyzer with chemiluminescent detection
Shimadzu TOC-V Analyzer Shimadzu TOC-V

A Shimadzu TOC-V Analyzer measures DOC by high temperature combustion method.

PI-supplied names:
Shimadzu TOC-V Analyzer;
Shimadzu TOC-V;
TOC-VCPN analyzer, Shimadzu;

Shimadzu TOC-V with TN Unit;
Shimadzu TOC-V ;
TOC-VCSH analyzer ;
Shimadzu TOC-VCPH analyzer;
modified Shimadzu TOC-L;
Shimadzu TOC-VCSN analyzer;
Shimadzu TOC-V CHS;
modified Shimadzu TOC-V;
Shimadzu High Temperature Combustion system;
Shimadzu 500 V-CSN/TNM-1 TOC analysis system;
Shimadzu TOC-V total carbon analyzer (Komada et al., 2013; Komada et al., 2016). ;
Shimadzu Instruments TOC-Vcph Total Organic Carbon Analyzer;
Shimadzu TOC-VCSH analyzer;
Shimadzu TOC-V CSH Total Organic Carbon Analyzer;
Shimadzu TOC-VCSN;
Shimadzu TOC-VCSH total organic carbon analyzer with a TNM-1 module;
Shimadzu TOC-VCSH total organic carbon analyzer using a TNM-1 module;
Shimadzu 5000A TOC-V/TNM;
V-CSN/TNM-1 (Shimadzu Corp)
Shimadzu Total Organic Carbon Analyzer TOC-VCPH TOC-VCPH

The Shimadzu Total Organic Carbon Analyzer TOC-VCPH is a PC-controlled, total organic carbon analyzer (high-sensitivity model), designed to measure total carbon (TC), inorganic carbon (IC), total organic carbon (TOC), and non-purgeable organic carbon (NPOC); an optional accessory enables the measurement of particulate organic carbon (POC) and total nitrogen (TN) as well. The instrument uses the 680 degrees Celsius combustion catalytic oxidation method to analyze aqueous samples, and optionally solid and gas samples.

PI-supplied names:
Shimadzu TOC-VCSH total organic carbon analyzer equipped with a TNM-1 module;
Shimadzu TOC-VCSH total organic carbon analyzer (Hansell & Carlson, 2001) ;
Shimadzu TOC-VCPH analyzer
Shipboard Incubator

A device mounted on a ship that holds water samples under conditions of controlled temperature or controlled temperature and illumination.

PI-supplied names:
custom high pressure bioreactor;
Flow-through plexiglass incubator;

NORDA/USM incubation system;
Fisherbrand Isotemp BOD refrigerated incubators;
incubation bottles, deck incubators
Shipboard Surface Mapping System SMS

Surface Mapping System (SMS): The SMS records navigation, meteorological and sea surface data every 10 seconds.

PI-supplied names:
RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer Underway Sampling Systems
Simrad EK-60 echosounder Simrad EK-60 echosounder

A split-beam scientific echosounder primarily designed for fisheries research. It can operate seven frequencies simultaneously ranging from 18 to 710 kHz. Real time echo integration and target strength analysis in an unlimited number of layers is provided as well as storage of raw data for replay or analysis in one of several post-processing software packages such as Simrad's BI60.

PI-supplied names:
Simrad EK-60 echosounder
Simrad EK80 echo sounder EK80

A high precision scientific echo sounder, designed to simultaneously operate frequencies ranging from 10 to 500 kHz. EK80 is a modular echo sounder system, and can operate with a combination of split and single beam transducers facilitated by a built-in calibration application. This system was built in succession to the EK60 echo sounder.

PI-supplied names:
Simrad EK80 Scientific Wideband Transceivers
Single Operator Multi-parameter Metabolic Analyzer SOMMA

Single Operator Multi-parameter Metabolic Analyzer (SOMMA) which was manufactured at the University of Rhode Island and standardized at the Brookhaven National Laboratory.

PI-supplied names:
Single Operator Multi-parameter Metabolic Analyzer (SOMMA)
Slocum G2 glider Slocum G2

A long-range autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) based on buoyancy. It is used for remote water column sampling. It uses hydraulic buoyancy change to alter the vehicle density in relation to the surrounding water thereby causing the vehicle to either float or sink. Given an appropriate dive or climb angle, the wings and body lift and convert some of this vertical motion into a forward saw tooth horizontal motion. Periodically, the glider surfaces and calls via Iridium Satellite Phone (anywhere in world) or Free Wave RF Modem (line of sight) in to Dockserver (auto attendant computer) to relay navigational fix, data and receive further instructions for command and control. The glider is capable of storm sampling and can be flown in a coordinated fleet. It is 1.5 m in length, has a hull diameter of 22 cm and mass of 54 kgs. It has an exchangeable payload (capacity up to 6 L) which is capable of housing a variety of environmental sensors such as nitrate and oxygen. It uses lithium or alkaline batteries. It has a deployment range of 600-6000 km, a deployment length of 15 days to 12 months and an operating depth range of 4-1000m. Navigation is via GPS waypoints, a pressure and altimeter sensor. Maximum speed is .35 m/s. It transmits via RF modem, Iridium (RUDICS), ARGOS or acoustic modem.

PI-supplied names:
Slocum G2 glider

The SLOWDROP Optical Profiler is a free-falling instrument package that "has a Sea-Bird 911+ CTD, two multiwavelength absorption meters (WetLabs ac-9), and a multiexcitation spectrofluorometer (WetLabs SAFIRE) as its basic configuration. The package is deployed on a loose data tether, with sufficient buoyancy on the package to obtain descent rates of 15-20 cm/s. These slow descent rates allow data acquisition on centimeter spatial scales and result in multiparameter characterization of small-scale features." (Cowles, et al.,1998)

References: Cowles, T.J., et al., 1998. Small-scale Planktonic Structure: Persistence and Trophic Consequences. Oceanography, Vol. 11(1), pp. 4-9.

PI-supplied names:
SLOWDROP Optical Profiler
Slurper Pump Slurper Pump

The 'Slurper' is a custom designed in situ pumping system that pumps seawater in a way that allows large-volume sampling of pre-determined depth intervals. The 'Slurper' was used during US JGOFS cruises to acquire samples for 234-Thorium and POC/PON analysis (Buesseler et al., 1988). The 'Slurper' sampling system comprised a positive displacement pump coupled to a DC motor. Pump speed and sample volume were controlled via shipboard laptop computer.


Buesseler, K. O., L. Ball, J. Andrews, C. Benitez-Nelson, R. Belastock, F. Chai and Y.Chao. 1998. Upper Ocean Export of Particulate Organic Carbon in the Arabian Sea derived from Thorium-234. Deep-Sea Res. II, Arabian Sea Volume, Vol. 45, No. 10-11, 2461-2488.

PI-supplied names:
Ken Buesseler's Slurper pump
SOIREE Undulator SOIREE Undulator

The SOIREE Undulator was a torpedo-style fish used during the SOIREE cruise for the collection of underway water samples. A variety of sampling devices are housed within the fish, although little detailed information was provided. It was designed to undulate through a depth profile as it was being towed behind the research vessel.

PI-supplied names:
Sonobuoy Sonobuoy

A Sonobuoy is a relatively small (typically 4 inches, or 124 mm, in diameter and 36 inches, or 910 mm, long) expendable sonar system that is dropped/ejected from aircraft or ships conducting anti-submarine warfare or underwater acoustic research.

PI-supplied names:
Sonotronics acoustics transmitter Sonotronics Transmitter

Individually coded acoustic transmitters generate a unique aural sequence, as well as unique combinations of frequency and ping interval allowing detection by both passive and active receivers. see

PI-supplied names:
Sonotronics acoustics transmitter
SonTek CastAway-CTD CastAway-CTD

The Sontek CastAway-CTD (manufactured by Xylem) is a handheld castable instrument that provides instantaneous profiles of temperature, salinity, and sound speed. Each cast is referenced with both time and location using its built-in GPS receiver. The CastAway software displays profiles of the casts in addition to mapping the locations of the data collection points. The CastAway-CTD has a 5 Hz response and sampling rate, accurate to 0.1 (PSS-78), 0.05° Celsius.

Conductivity range is 0 to 100,000 µS/cm.
Temperature range is -5° to 45° Celsius.
Pressure range is 0 to 100 decibars.

Further specs and information can be found on the manufacturer's website:

PI-supplied names:
SonTek CastAway-CTD model CC1403002;
CastAway CTD (SonTek, Xylem, San Diego, CA, USA);
SonTek CastAway CTD model CC1403002
Sounding Oceanographic Lagrangian Observer SOLO

A standard ARGO style float, called the Sounding Oceanographic Lagrangian Explorer (SOLO and SOLO-II).

SOLO floats are drifting instruments and have the ability to change their own buoyancy. After deployment it moves with the ocean currents and can, therefore, travel long distances on their own without the need of a ship or a person to handle them. They are  programmed to come to the ocean surface at regular intervals to transmit their data and position to orbiting satellites. The float then sinks again, continuing the process.

To control the buoyancy of the float, a small amount of oil is contained within the float. When the float is submerged, all of the oil is kept entirely within the hull.  When it is time to rise to the surface, the oil is pumped into an external rubber bladder that expands.  Since the weight of the float does not change but its volume increases when the bladder expands, the float becomes more buoyant and floats to the surface.  Similarly, when the float is on the surface and it is time to submerge, the oil is withdrawn from the bladder into the hull of the float and the buoyancy decreases.


PI-supplied names:
Soxhlet extractor

A Soxhlet extractor is a piece of laboratory apparatus designed for the extraction of a lipid from a solid material. The solid is placed in a filter paper thimble which is then placed into the main chamber of the Soxhlet extractor. The solvent (heated to reflux) travels into the main chamber and the partially soluble components are slowly transferred to the solvent.

PI-supplied names:
Custom-designed Soxhlet apparatus for Lipid/Lean analyses
Spat Bag Spat Bag

Mesh-netted bag used for collection of spat (juvenile scallops, oysters, etc.). Access to the bag is by a top opening held shut with a drawstring. Strips or panels of black plastic or cloth material, designed to attract spat, are placed into the fine-meshed bag. Bags are closed and hung underwater for a period of time to allow the spat to settle in the collection material. Further description provided here (PDF).

PI-supplied names:
fine-mesh spat bags;
Spat Bag
Special Sensor Microwave Imager SSM/I

The Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) is a passive microwave radiometer that measures atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial microwave brightness temperatures at 19.35, 22.2, 37.0, and 85.5 GHz, from which ocean surface wind speed, atmospheric water vapour, cloud liquid water and rain rate can be derived. The SSM/I consists of an offset parabolic reflector of dimensions 24 x 26 inches, fed by a corrugated, broad-band, seven-port horn antenna. The reflector and feed are mounted on a drum that contains the radiometers, digital data subsystem, mechanical scanning subsystem, and power subsystem. The reflector-feed-drum assembly is rotated about the axis of the drum by a coaxially mounted bearing and power transfer assembly (BAPTA). All data, commands, timing and telemetry signals, and power pass through the BAPTA on slip ring connectors to the rotating assembly. The absolute brightness temperature of the scene incident upon the antenna is received and spatially filtered by the antenna to produce an effective input signal or antenna temperature at the input of the feed horn antenna. The SSM/I has seven channels, four frequencies, and is orthogonally polarised. It rotates continuously about an axis parallel to the local spacecraft at 31.6 rpm and measures the upwelling scene brightness temperature over an angular range of 102.4 degrees at nadir. The active scene measurements lie +51.2 to -51.2 degrees about the forward (F10, F11) or aft (F8) direction. This results in a swath width of approximately 1400 kilometres. During each 1.9 second scan, 128 discrete uniformly spaced radiometric samples are taken at the two 85 GHz channels and, on alternate scans, 64 discrete samples are taken at the remaining lower frequency channels. The antenna beam intersects the Earth's surface at an incidence angle of 53.1 degrees. Flown on F08, F10, F11, F13, F14, F15, F16, F17, F18 F19.

PI-supplied names:
Spectrometer Spectrometer

A spectrometer is an optical instrument used to measure properties of light over a specific portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.

PI-supplied names:
Thermo Fisher Quant'X Spectrometer;

gamma spectroscopy;
Alpha Spectrometer;
Microwave Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer (MP-OES);
Spectro Xepos HE XRF Spectrometer;
Agilent 4100 MP-AES;
ocean optics flame spectrometer;
UV-vis Spectrometer - Ocean Optics, USA, BluLoop and USB2000+;
Pandora direct-sun spectrometer (Herman et al., 2009);
Horiba Fluoromax-4 luminescence spectrometer;
WPI spectrometer;
CO2 cavity-ringdown spectrometer (CRDS; Picarro G1101-i);
UV-Visible spectrometer;
near edge structure (uXANES) spectroscopy;
PS Analytical Millennium Excalibur;
S-CAN spectrolyzer;
Canberra Quad Alpha Spectrometer Model 7404;
UV-Visible spectrometer, BioTek Instruments Inc Model EPOCH;
Varian 3100 Excalibur;
Spectrometer (flame atomic absorption);
Horiba Aqualog Fluorescence Spectrometer;
TIDAS-1 spectrometer;
alpha spectrometer ;
Alpha Spectroscopy Passivated Implanted Planar Silicon (PIPS) detector;
GlobalFIA miniSIA-1;
Bruker Vertex 70 Fourier Transform-Infrared Spectrometer;
Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer Quant’X (Thermo Fisher Scientific);
Aqualog (Horiba Scientific);
Beckman Coulter DU 720 UV-vis spectrophotometer;
Horiba Aqualog Excitation Emission Matrix Fluorescence Instrument;
Picarro cavity ring-down spectrophotometer;
Picarro G2132-1 Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometer (CRDS) with a compressed cylinder of breathing air as carrier gas;
Agilent Technologies Cary 8454 UV-Vis spectrometer;
Picarro G5131-I cavity ringdown spectrometer (Picarro, Santa Clara CA);
Picarro Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (G2131-i)
Spectrometer-WPI UltraPath Spectrometer -WPI

A spectrometer is an optical instrument used to measure properties of light over a specific portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. The World Precision Instruments (WPI) UltraPath is a high-performance spectral absorbency system developed by WPI under a collaborative agreement with NASA (Stennis Space Center) for the spectroscopic determination of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in
seawater and fresh water environments. It was designed for use in the laboratory and in the natural environment. (manufacturer site:

PI-supplied names:
Spectrophotomer-Varian Cary 50UV Cary 50UV

The Varian Cary 50 UV-Visible Spectrophotometer has a xenon flash lamp and a 1.5nm slit width for measurement of total particulate absorption spectra.

PI-supplied names:
Spectrophotomer-Varian Cary 50UV;
Varian Cary 50 UV-Vis spectrophotometer
Spectrophotometer Spectrophotometer

An instrument used to measure the relative absorption of electromagnetic radiation of different wavelengths in the near infra-red, visible and ultraviolet wavebands by samples.

PI-supplied names:
Cary-100 UV-Visible spectrophotometer;

Ocean Optics USB 2000 spectrophotometer;
Thermo-Finnigan Delta V 3 kiloelectron (keV) Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer;
Genesys 10SVIS Spectrophotometer;
Genesys 10SVIS Spectrophotometer;
spectrophotometer - Shimadzu Biospec 16-1;
Spectrophotometer - Shimadzu Biospec 16-1;
AJN Scientific f-2500 Fluorescence Spectrophotometer;
Shimadzu UV-VIS spectrophotometer;
fiber optic spectrophotometer (Ocean Optics);
Nanodrop ND-1000 spectrophotometer;
Turner Biosystems spectrophotometer;
Thermo Scientific Nanodrop 2000/2000c Spectrophotometer;
selective hydride generation/atomic absorption spectrometry ;
Hitachi U-3010 spectrophotometer;
NanoDrop ND-1000 spectrophotometer;
Shimadzu UV-2550 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer;
Agilent 8453A UV-VIS Diode Array Spectrophotometer;
Spec20D+ spectrophotometer ;
Hitachi UV/vis-spectrophotometer;
Ocean Optics pH spectrophotometer;
NanoDrop spectrophotometer;
Cary 100 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer (Agilent Technologies) ;
Cary 100 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer (Agilent Technologies);
Thermo Spectronic Heios spectrophotometer;
spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific Genesys 105 VIS);
mini spectrophotometer (Ocean Optics USB4000);
Thermo Scientific Genesys 10UV spectrophotometer;
Shimadzu UV-2450 UV-visible spectrophotometer;
Aerodyne CAPS; Thermo 49C; Thermo 48; Thermo 42C;
Aerodyne CAPS;
Nanodrop 2000 Spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific);
Genesys 10vis spectrophotometer;
spectrophotometer and 1-cm cuvette;
Agilent Cary 100 UV-Visible spectrophotometer;
Shimadzu RF1501;
Ocean Optics USB400 UV-Vis spectrophotometer;
Aglient 8453 UV-visible spectrophotometer ;
spectrophotometer (Thermo);
Shimadzu UV-1800 UV/Visible Scanning Spectrophotometer;
Cary UV 300 Spectrophotometer;
Agilent 8453 ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer;
in-line photodiode array spectrophotometer;
Genesys 10SVIS spectrophotometer;
Agilent 8453A UV-VUS diode array spectrophotometer;
8453 UV-Vis spectrophotometer;
Spectrophotometer Thermofisher;
Genesys 10S UV-Vis Spectrophotometer;
Thermo Scientific™ NanoDrop Lite Spectrophotometer;
Agilent 8454 UV-visible spectrophotometer ;
Genesys 10SVIS;
NanoDrop 1000 Spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA);
Thermo Scientific Genesis 30 Visible spectrophotometer;
Genesys 10vis spectrophotometer (#840-208100, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, Massachusetts) ;
Hach Company DR 2800 Spectrophotometer;
Shimadzu Instruments UV1601 Spectrophotometer;
Shimadzu spectrophotometer;
Genesys 10 spectrophotometer;
MAYA2000 PRO spectrophotometer ;
MAYA2000 PRO spectrophotometer (Ocean Optics, Inc.);
Agilent 8454 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer;
Genesys 10S UV-Vis Spectrophotometer.;
Nanodrop spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, USA);
Nanodrop 2000;
Shimadzu UV 2550 Spectrophotometer;
Spectrophotometer (Genesys 10SVIS) ;
Shimadzu UV-1601;
Winkler titration was used for DO_spec analysis. DO_spec samples were measured spectrophotometrically using Genesis 30 (Thomas Scientific) spectrophotometer at 466 nm. ;
Ocean Optics QEPRO spectrophotometer;
Agilent 8454 spectrophotometer ;
Agilent 8453 UV-Vis spectrophotometer;
Hitachi U-3010 spectrophotometer (SN 0947-010);
Varian Cary 400 spectrophotometer;
automated Ocean Optics UV-VIS spectrophotometric system;
Thermo Scientific Genesys;
ThermoScientific Evolution 60S;
Turner SP-830 spectrophotometer ;
Ocean Optics UV/Vis spectrophotometer;
Beckman Coulter DU800 Spectrophotometer;
Cary 100 Spectrophotometer (Varian Inc., Palo Alto, CA);
Shimadzu UV-2401PC;
Milton Roy Spectronic Genesys 5;
Genesys®,10 cm cuvette;
Gynesis spectrophotometer;
U-3010 VIS Spectrophotometer;
Agilent 8453 spectrometer;
Atomic Adsorption Spectrophotometry;
NanoDrop 2000c (Thermo Sciences);
Eppendorf Biophotometer;
Genesys 10vis spectrophotometer (#840-208100, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, Massachusetts);
NanoDrop ND-1000 UV spectrophotometer ;
ThermoScientific Genesis UV/Vis;
Perkin Elmer 650 spectrophotometer;
Ocean Optics QEPro;
Agilent 8454 ;
Shimadzu RF-600 Spectrofluorophotometer;
Agilent 8454 spectrophotometer;
Varian Cary Eclipse fluorescence spectrophotometer;
Picarro cavity ring-down spectrophotometer;
Lambda 18, Perkin Elmer, Waltham, MA, USA;
Absorbance spectrometer, Horiba Scientific, Piscataway, New Jersey, USA;
VWR UV-Vis Scanning 3100 PC;
VWR UV-Vis Scanning 3100 PC spectrophotometer;
BioTek PowerWave XS2;
Thermo Scientific Genesys 10S UV-Vis Spectrophotometer;
Shimadzu UV-2501PC UV-VIS recording spectrophotometer;
Shimadzu UV-2501PC UV-VIS Recording Spectrophotometer;
Agilent 8453 UV-visible spectrophotometer;
Nanodrop spectrophotometer;
Agilent Cary 8454;
Picarro Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometer (G2131-i);
Genesys 10S UV-vis spectrophotometer (Thermo-Scientific);
Maya Pro 2000 spectrophotometer;
Model Spectronic 21D (Spectronic Instrumentation);
custom tungsten halogen light source and Ocean Optics USB4000 spectrophotometer
Spectrophotometer with Liquid Core Waveguide- WPI Spectrophotometer with Liquid Core Waveguide- WPI

The World Precision Instruments (WPI) Multiple Pathlength Liquid Core Waveguide (MPLCW) system is an instrument package combining a Liquid Waveguide Capillary Cell (LWCC) and a WPI spectrophotometer via fiber optics. The waveguide is a fiber optic cell that combines an increased optical pathlength (50–500cm) with small sample volume (125–1250µL). Ultra-sensitive absorbance measurements can be performed in the ultraviolet (UV), visible (VIS) and near-infrared (NIR) to detect low sample concentrations in a laboratory or process control environment. (

PI-supplied names:
spectrophotometer with liquid core waveguide- World Precision Instruments
Spectroradiometer Spectroradiometer

A Spectroradiometer or Spectraradiometer is an instrument that measures the intensity and nature of electromagnetic radiation. An ocean color radiometer makes the measurements in a manner optimized for the determination of ocean chlorophyll concentration.

PI-supplied names:
4-km-resolution Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrodradiometer;
Black Comet spectroradiometer
Speedlog Speedlog

Measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through the water.

PI-supplied names:
Split-Beam Echosounder Splitbeam Echosounder

"The split-beam echosounder has a transducer which is divided into four quadrants.The target direction is determined by comparing the signals received by each quadrant... The transmission pulse is applied to the whole transducer but the signals received by each quadrant are processed separately...The target strength is estimated from the transducer sensitivity in the relevant direction, namely the beam pattern and the on-axis sensitivity." From "Fisheries Acoustics: Theory and Practice" by E. John Simmonds, D. N. MacLennan, Wiley-Blackwell; 2 edition.

PI-supplied names:
Split-Beam Echosounder;
Simrad ES38-10 and ES120-7C Splitbeam echosounders
SPOT5 Argos Transmitter SPOT5

The SPOT5 is an Argos transmitter manufactured by Wildlife Computers (Redmond, WA) and designed for deployment on marine mammals, fish, or seabirds. SPOT5 devices use the Argos satellite network to transmit locations of animals with an accuracy of +/- 350-meters. See more information from the manufacturer.

PI-supplied names:
SPOT5 Argos Transmitter
Sputter Coater Sputter Coater

Sputter coating is the standard method for preparing non-conducting or poorly conducting specimens prior to observation in a scanning electron microscope (SEM)

PI-supplied names:
Denton Desk IV sputter coater

The squidpop assay is described in detail in Duffy et al., 2015 (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0142994).

In summary, the squidpop consists of a standard prey item: a small piece of dried squid mantle tissue, tethered to a fiberglass plant stake with light monofilament fishing line. The squidpop is assembled by first punching a 1.3-centimeter (cm) diameter disc from the squid mantle using a cork borer. A length of monofilament line is threaded through the squid disc and tied to it securely, then the other end of the line is attached to the end of the plant stake with electrical tape, leaving 1-2 cm of line with the squid piece on the end. The short length of the line helps prevent tangling the tethers when squidpops are bundled together.

Squidpops are deployed by pushing the stakes securely into the substratum. The stakes are typically arranged in one or two rows, but the spatial arrangement is of secondary importance to ensuring that the squidpops can be reliably relocated and retrieved at the end of the deployment. Squidpops are assessed for the presence or absence of the squid bait after some period of time.

PI-supplied names:
Stainless Steel Sampling Bottle Stainless Steel Sampling Bottle

A stainless steel sampling bottle used for collecting near surface samples (not a GO-FLO bottle)

PI-supplied names:
Stainless Steel Sampling Bottle;
stainless steel sampling bottle
Stramin net Stramin net

A Stramin net is specifically designed to sample plankton near the bottom and one such, designed by F.S. Russell in 1928, the 'stramin' net (Diameter: 1.5 m., Mesh: 6 strands/cm.) was equipped with rollers at the lower edge of its frame in order that it could be safely lowered until it touched the bottom. One "oblique" haul was made from the bottom (or from a depth of 200 m.) to the surface at each station. "It was mounted in an Agassiz trawl frame so that it was centered inside the trawl net, which was
also fixed to the frame and cleared the bottom by approximately 17.8 cm. No provisions were made to prevent contamination of the collection during the lowering of the net to the sea floor or the hauling back to the surface."(Wiebe and Benfield, 2003)


Wiebe, Peter H. and Mark C. Benfield, 2003. From the Hensen net toward four-dimensional biological oceanography. Progress in Oceanography, 56, pp. 7-136.

PI-supplied names:
Stramin net
Submersible Autonomous Moored Instrument SAMI

The Submersible Autonomous Moored Instrument (SAMI) measures and logs levels of dissolved chemicals in sea and fresh water. It is a plastic cylinder about 6 inches wide and 2 feet long that is self-powered and capable of hourly measurements for up to one year. All data collected are logged to an internal memory chip to be downloaded later. SAMI sensors usually are placed a few feet underwater on permanent moorings, while others on floating drifters sample the water wherever the wind and currents carry them. The instruments have been used by researchers around the globe in a variety of studies since 1999. Dr. Mike DeGrandpre, University of Montana, developed the SAMI between 1990 and 1993 during his postdoctoral work at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (Woods Hole, MA, USA). For additional information, see URL: from the manufacturer, Sunburst Sensors, LLC, 1226 West Broadway, Missoula, MT 59802.

PI-supplied names:
Submersible Autonomous Moored Instrument;

Sunburst SAMI spectrophotometric unit;
SAMI-CO2 (Sunburst Sensors);
SAMI-pH (Sunburst Sensors);
SAMI-Alk (Sunburst Sensors);
Sunburst SAMI-pCO2;
Sunburst SAMI-pH;
Submersible Incubation Device-In Situ Microbial Sampler SID-ISMS

The Submersible Incubation Device-In Situ Microbial Sampler (SID-ISMS) system was developed for the 2011 NSF funded DHAB Metazoans Mediterranean Brine research project and first used on cruise AT18-14. The system includes several integrated components including: a 2 liter incubation chamber; fixation filters and water sample bottles; a High Range CTD (Neil Brown Ocean Sensors, Inc., USA) equipped with two turbidity sensors (Wet Labs ECOView); an Aanderra 2808F oxygen optode; an SDSL-data link; and a sonardyne beacon, a pinger and a 24 volt deep-sea battery. The sensors and sampling devices are mounted on a frame that is attached to the hydro-wire. Lowering rate and recovery speed are controlled by a winch mounted on the surface vessel.

PI-supplied names:
Submersible Incubation Device-In Situ Microbial Sampler;
Microbial Sampler in situ Incubation Device (MS-SID)
Sunburst Autonomous Flow Through Instrument pH AFT-pH

The Autonomous Flow Through Instrument pH (AFT-pH) measures pH in the 7-9 range (salinity 25-40), designed to accurately measure pH of flowing seawater or individual samples, packaged to be plumbed into a sea line on a research vessel or can be used for bottle samples in the lab, and has accuracy and precision of: +/- 0.003 pH units and < 0.001 pH units. More information from Sunburst Sensors:

PI-supplied names:
Sunburst AFT
Suspended Microchannel Resonator SMR

A high-precision instrument for measuring single-cell mass, volume, and density using one or two resonators connected by a serpentine fluidic channel. During operation of the dual SMR, a dilute cell population suspended in cell media, Fluid 1, is delivered to the sample bypass via pressure-driven flow (Figure 2A, Supplementary Figure 1), and single cells flow into the first SMR (SMR1) for the first buoyant mass measurement. The cells then travel through a microchannel to a cross-junction, where a second fluid of different density is introduced. After the cross-junction, cells continue through a long serpentine channel, which facilitates mixing of the two fluids. The cells next enter a second cantilever (SMR2) for a buoyant mass measurement in the mixed fluid, Fluid 2. As cells flow through each cantilever, a change in resonance frequency is recorded (Figure 2B), which is determined by each cell's buoyant mass in each cantilever's corresponding fluid.

Reference: Bryan, A.K. et al. (2015) Measuring single cell mass, volume, and density with dual suspended microchannel resonators. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 108: 10992–10996 doi:10.1073/pnas.1104651108.

PI-supplied names:
Swimming Flume

A tool used to analyze and quantify fish swimming behavior, physiology, and performance.

PI-supplied names:
Custom designed swimming flume;

A device used to inject fluids into or withdraw them from something; consists of a hollow barrel fitted with a plunger and a hollow needle.

PI-supplied names:
luer slip and luer lock syringes;
Taylor-Couette system

An apparatus composed of two vertically oriented, coaxial cylinders separated by a gap that contains seawater. During operation, the outer cylinder rotates at a prescribed speed causing relative motion between the cylinders and thereby shearing the seawater between them.

PI-supplied names:
Couette chamber;
Couette chambers
Technicon AutoAnalyzer II

A rapid flow analyzer that may be used to measure nutrient concentrations in seawater. It is a continuous segmented flow instrument consisting of a sampler, peristaltic pump, analytical cartridge, heating bath, and colorimeter. See more information about this instrument from the manufacturer.

PI-supplied names:
Technicon AutoAnalyzerII;
Technicon Auto Analyzer II;
Technicon AutoAnalyzer II;

Technicon AAII;
Technicon Analyzer II;
Technicon Autoanalyzer II continuous flow system;
Technicon Autoanalyzer;
Technicon AutoAnalyzer II (SEAL Analytical) ;
Technicon Auto Analyzer II, SEAL Analytical Inc., Mequon, Wisconsin, USA;
Technicon AutoAnalyzer II
Tekran 2500 CVAFS mercury detector

Tekran 2500 Total Mercury Analysis System (not automated; cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry)

PI-supplied names:
Tekran 2500 Total Mercury Analysis System ;
Gas Chromatographic Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry (GC-CVAFS) on a Tekran 2500;
Cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry (Tekran 2500/2600)
Tekran 2537X Automated Ambient Air Analyzer Tekran 2537X

The Tekran 2537X performs continuous long-term, unattended analysis of gaseous elemental mercury. 

More information from the manufacturer:

PI-supplied names:
Tekran 2357X air sampling system;
Tekran 2537X analyzer
Tekran 2600 Automated Sample Analysis System Tekran 2600

The Tekran Series 2600 system allows the analysis of ultra-trace levels of total mercury in laboratory prepared environmental samples (water, biota, soil, sediments, gas cartridges, effluents and more). The Series 2600 is capable of providing a fully automated implementation of EPA Method 1631. This method is capable of measuring waters and digested solids with detection limits over 10X lower than required.


PI-supplied names:
Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy (CVAFS) on a Tekran 2600 Automated Mercury Analyzer;
Cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry (Tekran 2500/2600)
Tekran Model 2700 Automated Methyl Mercury Analysis System Tekran 2700

The Tekran 2700 Methyl Mercury Auto-Analysis System offers a fully integrated, compact unit based on atomic fluorescence detection. The system is pre-programmed to run EPA Method 1630. However, the Model 2700 offers customization including: 1) GC column temperature ramping, 2) Programmable analysis cycle settings, 3) High-temperature purge cycles, and 4) Choice of trap and GC column. The 2700 will also interface with ICP-MS or other analytical instruments.


PI-supplied names:
GC-CVAFS on a Tekran 2700 Automated Methylmercury Analyzer
Telemetry Equipment Device

Equipment designed to transmit and receive data from a remote source using telecommunications methods.

PI-supplied names:
Vemco VR-2Tx receiver
Temperature Logger

Records temperature data over a period of time.

PI-supplied names:
HOBO Pendant temperature logger;

Sea-Bird SBE56;
prototype soloDO logger;
HOBO model U12- 015 temperature logger;
Alvin thermal couple ;
Temperature logger;
Hobo Pendant Temperature/Light Data Logger UA-002-64 and Hobo Pro v2 Data Logger U22-001;
Onset HOBO pendant loggers;
Hobo Pendant data logger;
HOBO pendant temperature data loggers (Onset HOBO Inc., Bourne, Massachusetts USA);
YSI 600 Series Sonde and Model 650 data logger;
HOBO(R) U20 Water Level Loggers ;
an Onset HOBO pressure transducers (PTs);
Onset HOBO TidbiT V2;
Hobo Pendant Temperature/Light 64K Data Logger;
Onset Hobo temperature logger;
temperature recorders (Hobo);
Sea-bird Scientific (SBE56);
HOBO thermal data loggers;
Onset Temperature Logger;
temperature logger;
Hobo Pro v2 data logger;
HOBO pendant temperature loggers (Onset, UA-002-64);
Hobo Pro v2;

Onset HOBO Pendant Temp logger, 64K (UA-001-64);
Light temperature loggers (8K HOBO/PAR loggers; Onset, Wareham, MA);
Pyrosciences temperature logger;
RBRSolo T;
HOBO tidbit temperature logger;
HOBO water level data logger (Onset Corp.);
Optic Stowaway loggers and Hobo Aquapro loggers;
ThermoFisher Traceable;
HOBO TidBit loggers;
HOBO TidBit data loggers;
Onset Hobo Water Temp Pro UA-002-64;
TidbiT temperature datalogger (Onset; Bourne, Massachusetts, USA);
Maxim_ DS-1922L iButtons;
YSI Model 30;
HOBO U22-001 Water Temp units;
HOBO temperature loggers (Onset);
HOBO® temperature logger (Onset brands, # UA-002-64);
Tidbit temperature loggers (Onset Computer Corporation)
terrestrial laser scanner

Terrestrial laser scanner

PI-supplied names:
A terrestrial laser scanner;
Trimble(R) GPS
Thermal Cycler Thermal Cycler

A thermal cycler or "thermocycler" is a general term for a type of laboratory apparatus, commonly used for performing polymerase chain reaction (PCR), that is capable of repeatedly altering and maintaining specific temperatures for defined periods of time. The device has a thermal block with holes where tubes with the PCR reaction mixtures can be inserted. The cycler then raises and lowers the temperature of the block in discrete, pre-programmed steps. They can also be used to facilitate other temperature-sensitive reactions, including restriction enzyme digestion or rapid diagnostics.

(adapted from

PI-supplied names:
Thermal Cycler;
Perkin Elmer-Cetus 480 thermal cycler;

Veriti Thermal Cycler (Applied Biosystems);
GeneAmp 2700 PCR system;
BioRad iQ5;
FastDNA® Spin Kit for Soil;
Mx3000P thermal cycler (Agilent);
ThermoFisher QPCR system;
Bio-Rad thermocycler;
StepOnePlus Real-Time PCR System;
Roche LC480;
ABI 3730;
Bio Rad icycler;
Advantage 2 PCR system (Clontech);
C1000 Touch Thermal cycler;
ABI3730 Genetic Analyzer;
Bio-Rad C1000 Touch Thermal Cycler;
quantitative PCR by the Evolutionary Genetics Core Facility (Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology);
multiplex PCR protocol;
a PTC-100 MJ Research Inc. thermal cycler or a BioRad T100-Thermal Cycler;
T100 thermal cycler (Bio-Rad);
Bio-Rad T100Thermocycler;
mini8 (miniPCR, Cambridge, MA, USA)and BentoLab (Bento Bioworks Ltd, London, UK);
CFX96 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System;
polymerase chain reaction (PCR);
PCR amplification;
Life Technologies SimpliAmp Thermal Cycler;
Aria Mx Real-Time PCR System, Agilent Technologies;
Bio-Rad CT100 thermal cycler;
CFX96 Thermocycler (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA);
BioRad T100 thermal cycler;
Eppendorf Mastercycler EP Gradient;
C1000 Touch PCR Thermocycler, Biorad (Hercules, CA) ;
MiniAmp thermal cyclers (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA);
MiniAmp thermal cyclers
Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer TI Mass Spec

A Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer (TIMS) is an instrument that measures isotopic ratios after electrical excitation of a sample causes ionization of the isotopes.

PI-supplied names:
Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry;
TI Mass Spec;
TI Mass Spec - Thermo TRITON multicollector thermal ionization mass spectrometer;

Thermo Fusion Orbitrap mass spectrometer

A thermistor is a type of resistor whose resistance varies significantly with temperature, more so than in standard resistors. The word is a portmanteau of thermal and resistor. Thermistors are widely used as inrush current limiters, temperature sensors, self-resetting overcurrent protectors, and self-regulating heating elements.

Thermistors differ from resistance temperature detectors (RTD) in that the material used in a thermistor is generally a ceramic or polymer, while RTDs use pure metals. The temperature response is also different; RTDs are useful over larger temperature ranges, while thermistors typically achieve a higher precision within a limited temperature range, typically 90C to 130C.

PI-supplied names:
Omega 4404 precision thermistor elements;

SBE 56 thermistor;
Ryan Industries thermistor ;
Omega thermistors;
digital thermistor
Thermistor - HardHat Thermistor - HardHat

A HardHat Thermistor is a precision thermistor supported by a surface-following float, made from a "hard hat" filled with foam. It is used to measure Sea Surface Temperature (SST).

PI-supplied names:
Thermo Finnigan Neptune inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer Neptune ICP-MS

A laboratory high mass resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) designed for elemental and isotopic analysis. The instrument is based on a multicollector platform, comprising eight moveable collector supports and one fixed center channel equipped with a Faraday cup and, optionally, an ion counter with or without a retardation lens. The Faraday cup is connected to a current amplifier, whose signal is digitized by a high linearity voltage to frequency converter. The instrument was originally manufactured by Thermo Finnigan, which has since been replaced by Thermo Scientific (part of Thermo Fisher Scientific). This model is no longer in production.

PI-supplied names:
Thermo-Finnigan Neptune Multicollector ICP-MS;
Neptune Plus MC-ICP-MS (Thermo-Fisher)
Thermo Scientific ELEMENT XR high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer Element XR HR-ICP-MS

A high-resolution (HR) inductively coupled plasma (ICP) mass spectrometer (MS) composed of a dual mode secondary electron multiplier (SEM) and a Faraday detector. The ELEMENT XR instrument has a dynamic range of 5 x 10^7 to 1 x 10^12 counts per second (cps), and allows simultaneous measurement of elements at concentrations over 1000 ug/g.

PI-supplied names:
Thermo-Finnigan ELEMENT XR Single Collector Magnetic Sector ICP-MS
Thermo Scientific NanoDrop spectrophotometer NanoDrop spectrophotometer

A Thermo Scientific NanoDrop spectrophotometer provides microvolume quantification and purity assessments of DNA, RNA, and protein samples. The results appear in seconds. NanoDrop spectrophotometers work on the principle of ultraviolet-visible spectrum (UV-Vis) absorbance. A series of Thermo Scientific NanoDrop spectrophotometers are manufactured by Thermo Fisher Scientific™ (

PI-supplied names:
NanoDrop spectrophotometer;
Thermo Scientific Partisol 2025i Sequential Air Sampler Partisol 2025i

The Thermo Scientific Partisol 2025i Sequential Air Sampler stores 16 filter cassettes, allowing for two weeks of unattended daily-sampling of particulate matter. Developed on the iSeries software platform design, this sampler features USB ports for improved data downloads, and exchanged 47mm diameter sample filters automatically, which can be preset to a user-defined time interval.

PI-supplied names:
Thermo Scientific Partisol 2025i Sequential Air Sampler
Thermo-Fisher Scientific Gas Bench II GasBench II

An on-line gas preparation and introduction system for isotope ratio mass spectrometry that is designed for high precision isotope and molecular ratio determination of headspace samples, including water equilibration, carbonates and atmospheric gases. The instrument allows for the use of a dual viscous flow inlet system of repetitive measurements of sample and standard gas on a continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer (CF-IRMS) system. The sample volume is the sample vial (instead of a metal bellows), and the reference gas volume is a pressurized gas tank. The instrument consists of a user programmable autosampler, a gas sampling system, a maintenance-free water removal system, a loop injection system, an isothermal gas chromatograph (GC), an active open split interface, a reference gas injection system with three reference ports, and one or two optional LN2 traps for cryofocusing. The gas sampling system includes a two port needle which adds a gentle flow of He into the sample vial, diluting and displacing sample gas. Water is removed from the sample gas through diffusion traps. The loop injector aliquots the sample gas onto the GC column, which separates the molecular species. The reference gas injection system allows accurate referencing of each sample aliquot to isotopic standards. The system can be used with several options including a carbonate reaction kit that allows injection of anhydrous phospohric acid into sample vials.

PI-supplied names:
Gas Bench II

A device designed to measure temperature.

PI-supplied names:
NIST-calibrated partial-immersion organic-filled glass thermometer;
NIST-calibrated partial-immersion organic‑filled glass thermometer;
high precision partial-immersion glass thermometer;

NIST traceable red spirit glass thermometer;
in situ temperature sensor;
LYNCH Waterproof thermometer 39240;
bulb thermometer;
High precision partial-immersion glass thermometer;
Calibrated thermometer (Fischer Scientific);
NIST-standardized glass thermometer (precision = 0.1 °C)
Thermosalinograph TSG

A thermosalinograph (TSG) is used to obtain a continuous record of sea surface temperature and salinity. On many research vessels the TSG is integrated into the ship's underway seawater sampling system and reported with the underway or alongtrack data.

PI-supplied names:
SBE-37 Thermosalinograph;
SBE-37 thermosalinograph;

Seabird thermosalinograph;
handheld meter (YSI, Yellow Springs, Ohio).;

A device designed to regulate temperature by controlling the starting and stopping of a heating/cooling system.

PI-supplied names:
thermostat system (Apex Aquacontroller, Neptune Systems);
thermostats (Aqualogic®);

Apex Controller, Neptune Systems;
TC-344C Dual channel temperature controller
Tilt Current Meter

Tilt current meters are based upon the property that a tethered object will experience drag inside a current flow. If a restoring force perpendicular to the drag is introduced, the tethered object will tilt until the system of forces is balanced. Therefore, measuring the tilt allows calculation of drag force, from which current speed can be obtained. Measuring the direction of tilt gives current heading.

Tilt current meters operate under the drag-tilt principle and are designed to either float or sink depending on the type. A floating tilt current meter typically consists of a sub-surface buoyant housing that is anchored to the sea floor with a flexible line or tether. A sinking tilt current is similar, but the housing is designed such that the meter hangs from the attachment point. In either case, the housing tilts as a function of its shape, buoyancy (negative or positive) and the water velocity. Once the characteristics of a housing is known, the velocity can be determined by measuring the angle of the housing and direction of tilt.

PI-supplied names:
Lowell Instruments TCM-3 tilt current meters;
Lowell Instruments TCM-1 Tilt Current Meter
Tissue processor

An automated system used to process tissue specimens for examination through fixation, dehydration, and infiltration.

PI-supplied names:
Eica ASP6025
Total alkalinity flow through analyzer TA - flow analyzer

A flow through system for the determination of the total alkalinity in seawater. Its general principle is based on open-cell single-point titration with spectrophotometric pH determination. It can be used for continuous monitoring during surface water applications as well as for discrete sample measurements. 

PI-supplied names:
Total Nitrogen Analyzer TN analyzer

A unit that accurately determines the nitrogen concentrations of organic compounds typically by detecting and measuring its combustion product (NO). See description document at:

PI-supplied names:
TNM-1 Attachment;
Shimadzu TNM-I Total Nitrogen Analyzer;
TNM Total Nitrogen Analyzer;

TNM-1 chemiluminescent detector assembly;
Shimadzu TOC/TN analyzer
Total Organic Carbon Analyzer TOC analyzer

A unit that accurately determines the carbon concentrations of organic compounds typically by detecting and measuring its combustion product (CO2). See description document at:

PI-supplied names:
Shimadzu VCSH;
Total Organic Carbon Analyzer;
Shimadzu TOC-V Analyzer;

total organic carbon analyzer;
Shimadzu TOC-5000A Total Organic Carbon Analyzer;
Shimadzu total organic carbon TOC-V analyzer;
Shimadzu TOC-V;
Shimadzu Total Organic Carbon analyzer (TOC-8000A/5050A);
Shimadzu TOC-V analyzers, modified;
Shimadzu TOC-V total carbon analyzer;
Shimadzu Model TOC-V CSH carbon analyzer;
OI Analytical Aurora 1030 W Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyzer;
Shimadzu TOC-5050A total organic carbon analyzer;
O.I. Analytical Aurora 1030C Autoanalyzer;
Shimadzu Instruments TOC-Vcph Total Organic Carbon Analyzer with ASI-V Autosampler and TNM Total Nitrogen Analyzer;
Shimadzu Instruments TOC-Vcph Total Organic Carbon Analyzer;
Shimadzu TOC 5000;
Shimadzu TOC-L total organic carbon analyzer;
Shimadzu TOC/TN analyzer;
Shimadzu TOC 5050 analyzer;
Shimazdu Instruments TOC-VCSH and TNM-1;
OI Analytical 1030D Total Organic Carbon Analyzer;
Shimadzu model 5050 TOC analyzer;
MQ model 1001 TOC analyzer ;
Shimadzu Total Organic Carbon Analyzer with SSM-5000 A (Shimadzu, Columbia, MD);
Shimadzu TOCVPN;
Shimadzu TOC-VCSH TOC analyzer;
Shimadzu TOC-5000A
towed undulating vehicle TUV

A towed undulating vehicle is a generic class of instruments. See the data set specific information for a detailed description. These are often prototype instrument packages designed to make very specific measurements.

PI-supplied names:
towed undulating vehicle;
GMI ScanFish;
Triaxus Tow Vehicle;

towed unmanned submersible towed unmanned submersible

A vehicle towed by rigid cable through the water column at fixed or varying depth with no propulsion and no human operator (e.g. Towfish, Scanfish, UOR, SeaSoar).

PI-supplied names:
custom trace metal clean "towfish" sampling system;
surface towfish
Trace element sampler

Automated trace element sampler (MITESS or ATE unit).

Bell, J., J. Betts, and E. Boyle (2002) MITESS: A Moored In-situ Trace Element Serial Sampler for Deep-Sea Moorings, Deep-Sea Research I: 49:2103-2118 (pdf)

More description:

PI-supplied names:
MIT Automated Trace Element (ATE) sampler;
Trace Metal Bottle TM Bottle

Trace metal (TM) clean rosette bottle used for collecting trace metal clean seawater samples.

PI-supplied names:
Trace Metal Bottle;
Teflon-coated X-Niskin sampling bottles (Ocean Test Equipment) ;
Teflon-coated X-Niskin sampling bottles (OceanTest Equipment) ;

Trace Metal Rosette;
Trace metal rosette;
trace-metal clean bottles;
trace-metal clean rosette bottles;
Trace Metal Clean (TMC) bottle;
trace metal clean (TMC) rosette;
trace metal clean rosette equipped with 12 8L X-Niskin bottles
Tracer Injection Sled Injection Sled

The tracer injection sled is an integrated instrument package that is deployed from a vessel and lowered to the target potential density surface and then towed along that surface at 0.5 m/s while the tracer is injected. The sled is neutrally buoyant and is towed at the end of a 2-meter tether attached to the end of the CTD cable, which removes much of the ship motion. To follow lower frequency displacements of the target surface, the winch is controlled automatically with feedback from a SeaBird 911plus CTD system (Ledwell et al., 1998).The CTD has dual pumped C/T sensors mounted at the front of the sled to sample water not perturbed by the thermal wake of the sled. A WET Labs fluorometer is also present along with mounted injection orifices, pumps, batteries, fluid reservoirs, and control electronics for the injection.

PI-supplied names:
Tracer Injection Sled
tracking tag

Devices attached to living organisms with the purpose of determining the location of those organisms as a function of time after tagging and release.

PI-supplied names:
Biomark 601 PIT tag reader;
Vemco V9 acoustic tags;
Subcutaneous elastomer tags;

Floy T-bar anchor tags;
TRACOR Acoustic Profiling System TAPS

The TRACOR Acoustic Profiling System (TAPS) is custom designed zooplankton sampler developed by V. Holliday of Tracor Inc. It uses a four transducer array operating at frequencies 265 kHz, 420 kHz, 1.1 MHz, and 3 MHz. The transducer array is designed to provide information on the distribution of individual organisms ranging in size from individual copepods to nauplii at distances of 2-3 m.

PI-supplied names:
Traction Winch Traction Winch

The traction winch, as it pertains to marine deep water applications, is the primary component of a system designed to provide a significant tractive or load-bearing effort to subsea cable or umbilical. Conventional traction winch systems utilize two sheaves with multiple cable grooves to apply this tractive effort via elliptically reeving cable around the two sheaves. Advancements in sampling instrument packages and vehicles to perform more complex, intervention tasks at greater depths have placed greater demands on the cables and umbilicals linking them to the surface. The traction winch system was designed to address the challenges associated with increased wire or cable tension. (information is from Chapter 11 'Double Drum Traction Winch Systems for Oceanographic Research', in the HANDBOOK OF OCEANOGRAPHIC WINCH, WIRE AND CABLE TECHNOLOGY, 3rd Edition, 2001, Editor, John Bash,

PI-supplied names:
Traction Winch
Transmissometer Transmissometer

A transmissometer measures the beam attenuation coefficient of the lightsource over the instrument's path-length. This instrument designation is used when specific manufacturer, make and model are not known.

PI-supplied names:
Wet Labs C-Star 25-cm;
WetLabs Transmissometer;

Xmiss Wetlabs CST ;
Wetlabs transmissometer;
Transmissometer (Wet Labs) C-Star
Trawl_custom Custom Trawl

A net towed through the water column designed to sample free-swimming nekton or fish, varies in design depending on the research project.

PI-supplied names:
Bottom trawl;
Seamap 40' net;

small trawl;
1.5 meter width Blake Trawl
Tucker Trawl Tucker Trawl

The original Tucker Trawl, a net with a rectangular mouth opening first built in 1951 by G.H. Tucker, was not an opening/closing system, but shortly thereafter it was modified so that it could be opened and closed.  The original had a 183 cm by 183 cm flexible rectangular mouth opening 914 cm long net with 1.8 cm stretched mesh for the first 457 cm and 1.3 cm mesh for last 457 cm. 152 cm of coarse plankton or muslin netting lined the end of the net. Tucker designed the net to collect animals associated with the deep scattering layers, principally euphausiids, siphonophores, and midwater fish. (from Wiebe and Benfield, 2003). Currently used Tucker Trawls usually have 1-m2 openings and can have a single net or multiple nets on the frame.

PI-supplied names:
Tucker Trawl;
Tucker trawl net ;
modified tucker trawl
Turbidity Meter Turbidity Meter

A turbidity meter measures the clarity of a water sample. A beam of light is shown through a water sample. The turbidity, or its converse clarity, is read on a numerical scale. Turbidity determined by this technique is referred to as the nephelometric method from the root meaning "cloudiness". This word is used to form the name of the unit of turbidity, the NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Unit). The meter reading cannot be used to compare the turbidity of different water samples unless the instrument is calibrated. Description from:

(One example is the Orion AQ4500 Turbidimeter)

PI-supplied names:
Turbidity Meter;
Orion AQ4500;
WET labs ECO-NTU Turbidity Meter;

Turbidity, WET Labs ECO;
Chelsea Aquatracka 3 Chl_a;
AquaFluor® Handheld Fluorometer and Turbidimeter (Turner Designs)
