bird_effort | Seabird Survey Effort Log | SOGLOBEC | time_of_day |
bird_observ | Seabird Survey Observations | SOGLOBEC | time_of_day |
calcification rates - flume expt | Calcification rates of communities and sediment in a flume | MCR LTER, OA_Corals | day_night |
Copepod Abundances in MOCNESS tows | Abundances of copepod species in each net from MOCNESS tows in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific | Metabolic Index, ETP | Day_Night |
Emergence trap sampling of gnathiid isopods at Lizard Island, GBR, Australia 2016-2018 | | Gnathiid isopod ecology | Time_of_day, Daynight |
filter tracer content | Content of nitrogen and carbon in tracer filters | Regenerated Nitrogen | day_night |
Florida Straits 2014 & 2015 MOC4 Larval Fish Counts | Counts of larval fishes collected by a 4m2 MOCNESS in a subtropical, pelagic environment | OSTRICH | day_or_night |
GT10-11 - Cu Speciation | Total dissolved copper and estimates of free Cu2+, ligand concentrations, and conditional stability constants | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | Cu |
Hg Isotopes Zooplankton | Mercury stable isotope values for zooplankton | Hg_Biogeochemistry | Day_or_Night |
Hood Canal - copper | Total dissolved copper and copper speciation from Hood Canal, Puget Sound, Washington, USA | Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity | time_of_day |
lionfish density effect on behavior | Lionfish behavior observed during study of effect of density on lionfish behavior. | Lionfish Invasion | time_of_day |
lionfish density effect on movement | Lionfish movements to/from reefs observed during study of effect of density on lionfish behavior. | Lionfish Invasion | time_of_day |
Maunalua Bay Biogeochemistry | Maunalua Bay Biogeochemistry | Moorea SGD | Day_Night |
MesoZoo Biomass BLOOFINZ-GoM | Mesozooplankton wet-dry-C&N biomass in oceanic Gulf of Mexico | BLOOFINZ-IO | Day_Night |
mesozoo biomass by size class | Mesozooplankton community biomass (wet and dry weight) for 5 size classes and total. | CRD FLUZiE | time_of_day |
MesoZoo Grazing BLOOFINZ-GoM | Mesozooplankton grazing rates in oceanic Gulf of Mexico | BLOOFINZ-IO | Day_Night |
mesozoo grazing by size class | Mesozooplankton community grazing, expressed as micrograms pigment m-2 h-1, for 5 size classes and total. | CRD FLUZiE | time_of_day |
Microbial Counts - Eukaryote | Microbial counts - Eukaryote | IronExII | time_of_day |
Microbial Counts - Picophytoplankton | Microbial Counts - Picophytoplankton | IronExII | time_of_day |
MOC1 zoop abund | MOCNESS-1 Plankton Abundances | NEP | d_n_flag |
MOC10_abund | Zooplankton abundance data from the 10m2 MOCNESS | GB | time_of_day |
MOCNESS Deployment Summary | Summary deployment data for MOCNESS 1m2 and 10m2 tows | SuspendSinkPart | day_night |
MULVFS Particulates ALOHA | MULVFS data from Station ALOHA | VERTIGO | Day_Night |
MULVFS Particulates K2 | MULVFS data from station K2 | VERTIGO | Day_Night |
NH1106 Midwater Trawl | Descriptive data from Isaacs-Kidd midwater trawls (IKMT) from NH1106, Guaymas Basin. | Jumbo Squid Physiology | day_or_night |
Nitrogen and carbon isotopes | Seawater and filter sample Nitrogen and Carbon isotopes from coastal and off-shore sites | Regenerated Nitrogen | time_of_day |
OMC_NO | Abundance and biomass for ontogenetically migrating copepods | VERTIGO | time_of_day |
Oregon Tide Pools | Oregon Tide Pools | TIDES | Day_Night |
Particles and Zooplankton AA-CSIA | Particles and Zooplankton Amino Acid Compound Specific Isotope Analyses (AA-CSIA) and zooplankton biomass in the Equatorial North Pacific and station Aloha | SuspendSinkPart, Hg_Biogeochemistry | DayNight |
Pyrosome Abundances | Pyrosome Abundances | NCC Pyrosomes | NiDa |
Pyrosome Gut Pigment Contents | Pyrosome Gut Pigment Contents | NCC Pyrosomes | D_N |
Sample Metadata for MOCNESS Tows | Sample Metadata for MOCNESS Tows | Chief Sci KM1910 | Day_vs_night_tow |
Size Fractionated Zooplankton Carbon and Nitrogen | Size fractionated zooplankton C:N, d13C and d15N from EXPORTS | EXPORTS Isotopes | DayNight |
Size fractionated zooplankton, C:N, d13C, and d15N from JC214 | Size fractionated zooplankton, C:N, d13C, and d15N from JC214 | EXPORTS OM Degradation Indicators | DayNight |
Squid Summary BIPXII | Summary of Dosidicus gigas size, sex, and maturity. | Jumbo Squid El Nino Response | day_or_night |
tidepool ammonium and mussels | Ammonium in tidepools with and without mussels | Regenerated Nitrogen | day_night |
Underway - MET | Underway - MET | GATEKEEPERS | GT |
Vertical Plankton Tow - VPT | Vertical Plankton Tow (VPT) data from 1997 - 2003 | NEP | d_n_flag |
Zooplankton d13C and d15N of individual amino acids from RR1813 | Zooplankton d13C and d15N of individual amino acids from RR1813 | EXPORTS Isotopes | DayNight |