Anderson & Rynearson 2020: Skeletonema CHN | CHN | Phytoplankton Community Responses | meanCN, seCN |
B. elegans cold water coral lab culture: Artemia | | Coral-bound N | Molar_C_to_N_ratio |
B. elegans cold water coral lab culture: diet and nitrogen experiment | | Coral-bound N | Molar_C_to_N_ratio |
B. elegans cold water coral lab culture: particulate data | | Coral-bound N | Molar_C_to_N_ratio |
Bottle AR29 | Bottle data April 2018 | SPIROPA | CN_ratio |
Bottle RB1904 | Bottle dataset May 2019 | SPIROPA | CN_ratio |
Bottle TN368 | Bottle data, July 2019 | SPIROPA | CN_ratio |
Brault 2014 - Bulk Carbon and Nitrogen isotopes | Bulk Carbon and Nitrogen isotopes from sperm whale dentin | Sperm Whale SI Ratios | molar_C_to_N |
Bulk Raw Isotopes | Bulk raw isotopic data from tissue samples from pelagic fish. | CAMEO_Trophic_Position | molar_C_to_N |
Bulk Raw Isotopes - Non-tunas | Bulk raw isotopic data from tissue samples from non-tuna species collected in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean onboard two NOAA research ships | CAMEO_Trophic_Position | Molar_C_to_N |
Bulk Raw Isotopes - Tunas | Bulk raw isotopic data from tissue samples from three species of tunas collected in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean onboard commercial tuna purse-seine vessels | CAMEO_Trophic_Position | Molar_C_to_N |
Bulk soil properties | Bulk soil and elemental properties of marsh and infilled pond soils within Plum Island Ecosystems - LTER | Benthic_PP_at_TIDE | C_N |
C:N in evolved and control populations | CN | Phytoplankton Community Responses | CN_ratio |
Carpinteria Salt Marsh Elemental and Isotope Composition Data for Sediment and Biomass | Elemental and Isotope Composition Sediment and Biomass 2020 | Mangroves OS | OS, SPK |
CTD - Bottle | CTD Bottle Data (Preliminary) | TZEX | C_to_N |
Diel proteomes Trichodesmium IMS101 | | MM Saito, MM Proteins and Organics Tech | cnratio |
EPR 2019 Size Fractionated Organic Matter | | Hot2cold Vents | C_to_N |
ETNP 2012 McClane Pump POM | | OMZ Nutrient Cycling | C_to_N |
ETNP 2017 Trap fluxes and 13C | | ETNP_ParticleOmics | C_to_N |
ETNP 2018-2019 suspended POM concentrations and isotopes | | ETNP_ParticleOmics | C_to_N |
ETNP 2019 size fractionated POM concentrations and isotopes | | ETNP_ParticleOmics | C_to_N |
Field Sampling: Hydrologic data | | VBLAM | C_to_N |
Fossil Seal Bulk Isotopes 14C | Location, weathering, bulk isotope, and 14C data for fossil seals from the western Ross Sea, Antarctica | Southern Ocean Pinnipeds | C_to_N_atomic_ratio |
Geochemistry | Elemental composition for 16S rRNA gene amplicon and metagenomic sequences | Methane-Hydrate Sediment Omics | C_N |
Grazing experiment 2 and 3: CN data | Carbon and Nitrogen values for low to high pCO2 acclimated E. huxleyi | E Hux Response to pCO2 | TC_N |
Grazing experiment 4: Carbon and Nitrogen | Carbon and Nitrogen data for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. cultures | E Hux Response to pCO2 | C_to_N |
Grazing experiment 5: Carbon and Nitrogen | Carbon and Nitrogen data for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. cultures | E Hux Response to pCO2 | C_to_N |
Grazing experiment 6: Carbon and Nitrogen | Carbon and Nitrogen data for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. cultures | E Hux Response to pCO2 | C_to_N |
Grazing experiment 7: Carbon and Nitrogen | Cellular carbon and Nitrogen data for low-high pCO2 acclimated Rhodomonas sp. cultures | E Hux Response to pCO2 | C_to_N |
Growth rates and bulk isotope values | Growth rates, bulk isotope values, elemental composition | Amino Acid Sediment 15N | elemental_composition_C_N_atomic |
Guaymas Basin 2014 Organic Matter C:N Ratio | Organic matter C:N ratios from sediment cores P6,P10,P11,P12, and P13, collected on the Guaymas Basin Ridge flanks and the Sonora Margin. | RAPID Guaymas Basin, C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life | CtoN_ratio |
Hurricane Matthew Geochemical Data | Water geochemistry from surface samples collected along the Neuse River, Neuse River Estuary, and Pamlico Sound in North Carolina between October and December 2016, following the passage of Hurricane Matthew | HMATT | C_to_N |
IODP360 - CHNS analyses | | Subseafloor Lower Crust Microbiology | Total_C_Total_N |
Karlodinium veneficum cellular carbon and nitrogen data | growth experiment: CHN values | EcoHAB | C_to_N_atomic, C_to_N_mass |
LVP_pump | Carbon and Nitrogen concentration from filtered in situ LVP pump samples | SOFeX | C_to_N |
Macroalgal carbon and nitrogen content | | High latitude kelp dynamics | C_N |
March Incubation Phytoplankton Elemental Composition | | Phytoplankton Community Responses | CN |
Micronekton AA CSIA ALOHA: Amino acid specific isotopes in micronekton | Amino acid specific isotopes in micronekton, station ALOHA | Hg_Biogeochemistry | C_N_mol_mol |
Modern Seal Bulk Isotopes | C and N isotope data for seal tissues from west Antarctica | Southern Ocean Pinnipeds | C_to_N_atomic_ratio |
MV1110 CTD Nutrient and Particle Data | | ANACONDAS | C_to_N |
MV1110 Underway Nutrient and Particle Data | | ANACONDAS | C_to_N |
Neuse River Estuary WQ | Biological, chemical, and physical water quality indicators of the Neuse River. | climate_phyto_estuaries | CtoN |
Niskin bottle hydrography | hydrographic measurements from Niskin bottle samples | CORSACS | C_to_N |
Niskin bottle samples | CARIACO time series Niskin bottle sample data | CARIACO | C_N_particulate |
OA Lit Review | Literature review of Ocean Acidification (OA) effects on phytoplankton. | P-ExpEv | C_to_N |
Palatability of algal species | Palatability of non-native alga | Genetic Adaptation Marine Inv | Carbon_Nitrogen |
particulate carbon and nitrogen | Total particulate carbon and nitrogen concentration | C-MORE | C_to_N |
Phytoplankton physiology | Physiology of phytoplankton collected in coastal waters near Palmer Station, Antarctica, 2012 | Phytoplankton Seasonal Dynamics | C_N |
Pleuromamma xiphias: animal condition | P. xiphias AMT24 condition | Plankton Population Genetics | C_to_N |
Plocamium CHN and stable isotopes | Plocamium carbon and nitrogen content and stable isotope values | Seaweed OA Resilience | C_N |
POC | Particulate organic carbon from the formation fluids recovered from the CORKs installed at the North Pond in 2012 | North Pond Microbes | C_to_N |
POC and PON - bulk seawater | POC and PON - bulk seawater | TriCoLim | POC_PON |
POC and PON - Trichodesmium | POC and PON - bulk seawater | TriCoLim | POC_PON |
POC_PON | Particulate Organic Carbon and Nitrogen (POC/N) | GATEKEEPERS | C_to_N_Ratio |
POM_MV | Particulate Organic Matter (POM) from Niskin and Trace Metal clean bottles | SOFeX | C_to_N |
Prochlorococcus N and C uptake | Prochlorococcus N and C uptake | Nitrogen uptake in Prochlorococcus | C_to_N |
Pseudo-nitzschia_multiseries_exp | Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries domoic acid production, C-fixation, mean growth, and element composition experiments under varying pCO2 and phosphate levels (means of triplicates). | PhytoTM_in_HighCO2 | C_to_N |
Response of Ulva to OA and NH4+ | Response of Ulva to OA and NH4+ | Seaweed OA Resilience | C_N_ratio |
Rhodomonas CN | Rhodomonas carbon and nitrogen content | OA-Copepod_PreyQual | C_to_N |
Seagrass carbon nitrogen and isotopes | Seagrass C, N and isotopes | Seagrass Blue Carbon | C_to_N |
Seagrass nutrient content (CNP) | Seagrass nutrients above and below ground, Bahamas, 2015-2016 | Fish and biogeochem hot spots | C_to_N |
Seagrasses carbon nitrogen and isotopes - summary | summary C, N and isotopes | Seagrass Blue Carbon | C_to_N |
Sediment NO3 reduction rates, associated genes, and environmental data | Sediment NO3 reduction rates, associated genes, and environmental data | LYRE | C_N |
Sediment Trap Carbon and Nitrogen | Sediment trap carbon and nitrogen flux data | MedFlux | C_org_to_N |
Sediment trap data | Sediment trap: mass flux, organic carbon, organic nitrogen, and biogenic silica flux data | IVARS | C_to_N |
Series 4A: POC, PON, Chl-a | Series 4A: POC, PON, chl-a | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | C_N |
Series 5: pCO2 as one of multiple stressors for Thalassiosira weissflogii - cell characteristics: C:N ratio | Series 5: pCO2 as one of multiple stressors for Thalassiosira weissflogii - Cell Characteristics: C:N ratio | OA - Ocean Acidification and Aggregation | Tp1_Repl1, Tp3_Repl4, Tp1_Repl2, Tp4_Repl1, Tp1_Repl3, Tp4_Repl2, Tp1_Repl4, Tp4_Repl3, Tp2_Repl1, Tp4_Repl4, Tp2_Repl2, Tp2_Repl3, Tp2_Repl4, Tp3_Repl1, Tp3_Repl2, Data, Tp3_Repl3 |
sinking particles | Sinking Particles | SEEDS I | C_to_N |
Size Fractionated Zooplankton Carbon and Nitrogen | Size fractionated zooplankton C:N, d13C and d15N from EXPORTS | EXPORTS Isotopes | C_to_N |
Size fractionated zooplankton, C:N, d13C, and d15N from JC214 | Size fractionated zooplankton, C:N, d13C, and d15N from JC214 | EXPORTS OM Degradation Indicators | C_N_ratio |
Smith Island N cycle: 2013 Seasonal Field Data | | Oyster Reef N2O Emission | C_to_N_Surface_0_to_2, C_to_N_Depth_2_to_5 |
Spatiotemporal characterization of nirK and nirS | Spatiotemporal characterization of nirK and nirS abundance in San Francisco Bay | N-Cycling Microbial Communities | C_N |
SR2114 Fish larvae isotope data | SR2114 Fish larvae isotope data | N-loss in the ETNP ODZ | C_N_ratio |
Stable Isotopes and Elemental Ratios | Stable isotopes and elemental ratios | DON Microbial Nitrogen Pump | C_N_ratio, C_N_ratio_stdev |
Synechococcus Batch Culture Sampling Data | | StoichTraitD | CN |
Synechococcus elongatus CCMP1629 in nitrate-limited and nutrient-replete cultures | Synechococcus elongatus CCMP1629: NO3-limited and nutrient-replete cultures plus DNA analysis | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | C_to_N |
Thalassiosira pseudonana CCMP1335 in nitrate-limited and nutrient-replete cultures | Thalassiosira pseudonana: NO3-limited and nutrient-replete cultures | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | C_to_N |
Thalassiosira pseudonana cyclostat | Thalassiosira pseudonana cyclostat experimental results | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | C_to_N |
Thalassiosira wessiflogii growth rate and TEP | Growth rate experiment with the diatom Thalassiosira wessiflogii in semi-continuous culture. | Diatom EPS Production | C_to_N |
Thorium-234 | Thorium 234, POC and biogenic silica | SOFeX | C_to_N |
Tricho N Atlantic - OC469 | Trichodesmium species in the North Atlantic from OC469, 2010 | Trichodesmium | C_to_N_exp_colony |
UConn Seasonal IPT | Sets of sediment cores taken for isotope pairing and other nitrogen cycle parameters seasonally since November 2013 | Oyster Reef N2O Emission | C_to_N |
Ulva: CHN and stable isotopes | Stable isotope ratios and mass of carbon and nitrogen in Ulva cells under OA | Seaweed OA Resilience | C_N |
Vent organic C and N | Organic carbon and nitrogen in near-vent sediment samples, Paleochori Bay, Milos Island, Greece | Hydrothermal Autotrophic Carbon Fixation | C_N |
West Antarctic Isoscape Data | C and N isotope data for zoo- and phytoplankton from west Antarctica | Southern Ocean Pinnipeds | C_to_N_atomic_ratio |
West Mata 2009 DOC,13C-POC, DON | | West Mata Volcano | C_N_ration_POM, C_N_ratio_DOM |
Western Pacific Cruise Data | Western Pacifi Cruise Data | North Pacific Atmos | C_N_Ratio |
[DEPRECATED] Properties of HMW and LMW DOM from the NPSG | Recovery parameters, isotopic composition (d15N, d13C, D14C), and elemental composition (C:N) of HMW and LMW DOM collected from the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre | DON Microbial Nitrogen Pump | C_N_a, C_N_a_stdev |
[Deprecated] Thalassiosira pseudonanana in nitrate limited culture | Thalassiosira pseudonana clone 3H: nitrate limited culture data | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | C_N |
[Deprecated] Thalassiosira pseudonanana in nitrate replete culture | Thalassiosira pseudonana clone 3H: nitrate replete culture data | Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton | C_N |