14C 32Si Experimental - from RR1813 | 32Si and 14C production data (experimental) | Diatoms and carbon export | Activity |
16S V4 rRNA gene tag sequences from reef seawater | 16S V4 rRNA gene tag sequences from reef seawater | Quantitative coral microbiomes | Platform, Instrument, samp_collect_device |
18s DNA sequences of potential prey of siphonophores | | SiphWeb | samp_collect_device, Platform, Instrument |
2018 Ross Sea Zooplankton Abundance: IKMT | 2018 Ross Sea Zooplankton Abundance: IKMT | bio-acoustic plankton surveys | Method |
2018 Ross Sea Zooplankton Abundance: Ring net | 2018 Ross Sea Zooplankton Abundance: ring net | bio-acoustic plankton surveys | Method |
2019 BAIT Dissolved Nickel Speciation | Dissolved nickel speciation results from 2019 Bermuda Atlantic Iron Time-series (BAIT) cruises | BAIT | PLATFORM |
32Si and 14C Production - Experiments - from DY131 | 32Si and 14C Production - Experiments - from DY131 | Diatoms and carbon export | Activity |
32Si and 14C Production - Profiles - from DY131 | 32Si and 14C Production - Profiles | Diatoms and carbon export | Activity |
32Si Profiles - from RR1813 | 32Si data from EXPORTS cruise | Diatoms and carbon export | Activity |
A. pisonii: egg energy | Egg energy content of A. pisonii from three habitats | Variation in Metabolic Processes | Bomb |
Aanderaa - Natividad | Moored physical and chemical parameters measured by Aanderaa at Isla Natividad, Mexico | CNH-Baja Pacific | Type_Instrument |
ABLE Subsurface 2016-18 | Subsurface data from ABLE deployments in the upwelling region of the west coast of northern California from 2016-2018 | ABLE | name |
ABLE Surface 2016-18 | Surface data from ABLE deployments in the upwelling region of the west coast of northern California from 2016-2018 | ABLE | name |
Acropora cervicornis 16S Sequences Metadata and NCBI SRA accessions associated with Williams et al., 2022 | Acropora cervicornis 16S Sequences Metadata and NCBI SRA accessions associated with Williams et al., 2022 | Coral Rickettsiales, Resilient Acerv | Platform |
Acropora cervicornis bleaching sequences | Acropora cervicornis bleaching sequences | Coral Rickettsiales | platform, instrument_model |
AE1913 R2R ELOG | | Nutrient Stress Responses and AUV Clio | Instrument |
Aleutian Islands Benthic Production: PAR | Estimates of benthic primary production and respiration in kelp forests and urchin barrens | Kelp Forest Ecosystem Engineer Loss | Sensor_num, Serial |
Alteromonas ancestor | Clones of Prochlorococcus MIT9312 and link to BioProject | P-ExpEv | platform |
Amazon Plume Radium-2019 | EN640 Radium | Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | U_or_C |
Arenicola marina hydraulics | Images, porewater pressure, O2 data from lab expts of lugworm Arenicola marina in diff sediment types. | Infaunal Hydraulics | press_sensor |
Argo SCVs | Argo SCVs | Multiple Scales of Nitrogen Cycle in the Ocean, Ocean Particles and Microenvironments | Platform |
Attributes of communities-at-sea | Attributes of communities-at-sea, including the size of servicesheds and climate change risk exposure scores, determined from Vessel Trip Report (VTR) data for commercial fishing trips from 1996 to 2014 | CC Fishery Adaptations | Gear |
B12-Vehicle Dive Sample Log | B12: Log: DIVE SAMPLES (Rock, Fluid, Biology) | AXIAL | Sampling_Device_Type |
BASIN 2019 Microbial activity | Sulfate reduction rates and microbial activity | BASIN | Sampling_Instrument |
BASIN 2019 Porewater geochemistry | Geochemical porewater data from sediments collected along three depth transects across the Santa Barbara Basin | BASIN | Sampling_Instrument |
BASIN 2019 Sediment properties | Sediment parameters | BASIN | Sampling_Instrument |
BCO-DMO EPZT Master Events File | BCO-DMO-created "master" file of sampling events from the GEOTRACES EPZT cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_INSTR |
Benthic light exposure | Year-round variation in relative light intensity reaching the benthos on four coralline rocky reef sites in Sitka Sound, AK | High latitude kelp dynamics | logger |
Bigelow Bight fish and lg inverts | Benthic habitat correlates of juvenile fish - large inverts & fish | NEC-CoopRes | inst |
BOWLS sample log | Sample log for specimens collected for genomics analyses | BOWLS | lander |
Brothers Volcano Metagenome-Assembled Genome Accession Numbers | Brothers Volcano Metagenome-Assembled Genome Accession Numbers | Brothers Volcano Microbiology | Sequencing_technology |
Cannon_2013_T1: Collection and locality information | Collection and locality information by taxon | Antarctic Inverts | collection_method |
Cannon_2014_S1: Collection and locality information | Hemichordata and Echinodermata collection and locality information | Antarctic Inverts | collection_date |
Carbonate chemistry | P17N Ocean Acidification Pteropod Study: Carbonate chemistry system (silicate, total alkalinity, total dissolved inorganic carbon, pH, oxygen) and hydrography samples | OAPS | instrument |
Carbonate data from water samples | Water samples from CTD casts and vehicle-mounted bottles from 4 cruises. | Lophelia OA | instrument |
chl_a_3m | chlorophyll-a from salmon trawl cruises | NEP | inst |
CliOMZ AT50-10 Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) event log application (ELOG) | Amended Elog - AT50-10 cruise, AUV Clio | CliOMZ | Instrument |
CliOMZ AT50-10 Underway Sampling Log | Underway Sampling log AUV Clio Cruise | CliOMZ | Sampling_device |
Cold Core Rings Stratified Euphausiid Abundance and Zooplankton Biomass | CCR stratified euphausiid abund and carbon, 1973-1977 | NAtlDarkData | tow_type |
Crassostrea virginica gonad MBD-BSseq | GenBank metadata for Eastern oyster gonad methylation and OA | Epigenetics to Ocean | platform |
Cruise and Tow Data | Gulf Stream Warm-Core and Cold-Core Rings cruise_tow data from 1970s and 1980s | NAtlDarkData | tow_type |
CTD Event Log | Event Logs for CTDs from Cruises SJ07 and KN195-02 (Eastern Tropical Pacific) | ETP | instrument |
CTD_ji | CTD for long term mooring cruises, GLOBEC Georges Bank, 1994-1999 | GB | instrument |
CTD_MOCNESS1 | CTD MOCNESS data including calibrated oxygen from the Arabian Sea. | Arabian Sea | datatype |
ctenophore sample log | Ctenophore observations collected during ROV dives | DEEPC | RovName |
Deep-sea larvae for microbiome study | Deep-sea larvae for microbiome study | EPR Functional Diversity, Mariana Back-arc Vents, Metacommunity Dynamics | basisOfRecord |
Deployment history of sensors | Deployment history of sensors recording dissolved oxygen. | Benthic_PP_at_TIDE | instrument1, instrument2, instrument3 |
DeZoZoo Cruise Data | Cruise Data from Gelatinous Zooplankton project in Chesapeake Bay in 2010 and 2011 | DeZoZoo | gear |
DISC: Deployment, environmental, and larval behavior information | | Elacatinus Dispersal II | disc_id |
DISC: Depth, Temperature, and Salinity | | Elacatinus Dispersal II | disc_id |
DISC: Temperature and Light | | Elacatinus Dispersal II | disc_id |
Discrete Samples Oct 2017 | Discrete Samples Oct 2017 | HarveyCarbonCycle | Type |
Discrete Samples Sept 2017 | Discrete Samples Sept 2017 | HarveyCarbonCycle | Type |
Dissolved Fe conc and isotopes - UK_GA10 | Dissolved (0.2 micron filtered (<75 m depth) or 0.4 micron (>75 m depth) Fe stable isotope ratios and concentrations | TMI_GEOTRACES-UK | inst |
dogfish_alloys | spiny dogfish and rare earth metals | NEC_ProjDev | gear |
Dorado 2014: OsmoSampler fluid chemistry | Spring and pore fluid chemistry from samples taken by OsmoSamplers | Dorado Outcrop | OsmoSampler_name |
drifter_start_positions | Initial drifter deployment positions | GB | inst |
Echosounder data (38kHz) | | Too hot to hold | TransducerName, TransducerNumber |
EcoMon Plankton 100m3 | EcoMon plankton counts from Bongo tows. Includes MARMAP data. | EcoMon Zooplankton | ich_gear, zoo_gear |
EcoMon Plankton 10m2 | EcoMon plankton counts from Bongo tows. Includes MARMAP data. | EcoMon Zooplankton | zoo_gear, ich_gear |
Electrochemical Data CL2015 | Electrochemical data | Soluble Fe Fluxing | Collection_Type |
Electrochemical Data CL2016 | Electrochemical data from sediments collected on R/V Savannah cruise SAV-16-16 at the Cape Lookout Continental Shelf and Slope during May 2016 | Soluble Fe Fluxing | Collection_Type |
EN658 Sentry Dive Summary | EN658 Sentry Dive Summary | SALT | Vehicle |
Environmental Sensory Data | | Coral Hybridization | Instrument |
ESP 2016 Seq | Metagenomic, metatranscriptomic, and single cell sequencing data from the Fall 2016 ESP deployment in Monterey Bay, CA | OceanSulfurFluxBact | Instrument |
event log | scientific sampling events from R2R ELOG event logger | LatMix | Instrument |
event log | scientific sampling event log | Carbon Export | instrument |
event log | Scientific sampling event logs (preliminary data) | BaRFlux | instrument |
event log | scientific sampling event log | Pickled Protists, DHAB Metazoans | instrument |
event log | Scientific sampling event log from cruise KN207-01 | SargassoSeaLipids | instrument |
event log | Scientific sampling event log from cruise KN207-03 (NA-VICE). | NA-VICE | instrument |
event log | Scientific sampling event log from EN524 cruise. | OA, Hypoxia and Warming | instrument |
event log | Log of events from KN210-04 cruise. | Deep Atlantic DOM | instrument |
event log LMG11-10 | scientific sampling event log | Salp_Antarctic | inst |
event log OC467 | scientific sampling event log | ALEX-GoME | Device_Type |
event logs | scientific sampling event log | OAPS | instrument |
eventlog | Event log from LMG0602, Southern Ocean 2006 | SouthernSalps | inst |
Eventlog AE1319 | Event log for AE1319, Aug-Sept. 2013 | Biological C:N:P ratios | instrument |
eventlog FK003 | Event log for cruise FK003 | Transatlantic VPR Survey | Instr |
eventlogs | Event logs from Georges Bank cruises | GB | inst |
eventlogs | Cruise Event Logs | NEP | inst |
eventlogs | Event logs from Southern Ocean cruises | SOGLOBEC | inst |
eventlogs | CMarZ Cruise eventlogs - metadata | CMarZ_2004-2010 | inst |
eventlog_CT2010 | Event log from the Krill CT2010 cruise | Krill GoME | inst |
eventlog_Endeavor | Event logs from Krill Gulf of Maine cruises EN484 and EN487 | Krill GoME | instrument_activity |
eventlog_WB1105 | Scientific sampling event log from the WB1105 cruise | DWH Micronekton | inst |
event_logs | Logs of events from cruises WS1010 and AT18-02. | DWH_Deep_Microbes | instr |
Fish lengths - adults | adult fish lengths | Larval Dispersal in Kelp Rockfish | gear |
Fish lengths - juveniles | juvenile fish lengths | Larval Dispersal in Kelp Rockfish | SMURF_array, gear |
fisheggs | Fish eggs collected in Bongo nets | GB | inst |
fishlarvaeB | Georges Bank Fish Larvae Data from Bongo Nets, 1995-1999. | GB | inst |
fishlarvaeM | Georges Bank Fish larvae collected in MOCNESS tows, 1995-1999. | GB | inst |
GA02 Leg 3 - Dissolved 143Nd/144Nd | Depth profiles of seawater dissolved 143Nd/144Nd | Nd Paleocirculation Proxy | instrument |
GN01 Aerosol Nitrate | Aerosol Nitrate (NO3) from US GEOTRACES Arctic cruise, HLY1502 | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, US GEOTRACES Arctic Nitrogen Flux | filter_type |
GN01 CTD - GTC Profiles | CTD-GTC profiles from GEOTRACES-Arctic Section cruise HLY1502 | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | INSTRUMENT_ID |
GN01 CTD - ODF Profiles | CTD-ODF profiles from GEOTRACES-Arctic Section cruise HLY1502 | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | INSTRUMENT_ID |
GN01 CTD cast logs | CTD cast logs from GEOTRACES-Arctic Section cruise HLY1502 (pdf) | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | inst |
GN01 Dissolved Actinium-227 | Water column profiles of dissolved 227Ac in the Arctic | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, GT Arctic 227Ac | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GN01 Particulate Thorium and Protactinium | GN01 Particulate Thorium and Protactinium | GEOTRACES Arctic Th Pa, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | Pump_ID |
GN01 Pump cast logs | Pump cast logs from GEOTRACES-Arctic Section cruise HLY1502 (pdf) | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | inst |
GN01 Radium and Thorium | Radium and thorium isotopes measured in the Western Arctic as part of the 2015 US GEOTRACES Arctic Cruise on the USCGC Healy | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic, Arctic GEOTRACES Ra Th | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GN01 Sample logs | Water sample logs from GEOTRACES-Arctic Section cruise HLY1502 (pdf) | U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | inst |
GN01 Se Aerosol | 2015 GEOTRACES GN01 Healy HLY1502 Aerosol Selenium | GEOTRACES Arctic Arsenic and Selenium, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GN01 Se Particulate | 2015 GEOTRACES GN01 Healy HLY1502 Depth Profiles Total Particulate Selenium | GEOTRACES Arctic Arsenic and Selenium, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GN01 Se Speciation | GN01 Healy HLY1502 Depth Profiles Selenium Speciation Selenite (SeIV), Selenate (SeVI), Organic selenide (Org Se-II), and Total Se depth profiles | GEOTRACES Arctic Arsenic and Selenium, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GP15 CTD GTC | CTD data from the GTC rosette | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | INSTRUMENT_ID |
GP15 CTD ODF | CTD data from the ODF rosette | U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | INSTRUMENT_ID |
GP15 Water Column Dissolved 227Ac Leg 1 | GP15 Water Column Dissolved 227Ac Leg 1 | PMT Actinium-227, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Gear_ID |
GP15 Water Column Dissolved 227Ac Leg 2 | GP15 Water Column Dissolved 227Ac Leg 2 | PMT Actinium-227, U.S. GEOTRACES PMT | Gear_ID |
GP16 Barium Dissolved | Dissolved Barium (Ba) in US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect, GP16. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT_Ga_V_others | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GP16 Bidigare Pigments | Bidigare Pigments | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GP16 CFC and SF6 | CFC-12, CFC-11, CFC-113, and SF6 concentration from US GEOTRACES EPZT cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GP16 Cobalt Total and Labile Dissolved | Total dissolved cobalt and labile cobalt concentrations measured by cathodic stripping voltammetry. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Fe Cu Co | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GP16 Copper Speciation | Copper speciation results for dissolved organic copper binding ligand concentrations, stability constants, and free copper for the U.S. GEOTRACES Equatorial Pacific cruise | EPZT Fe Cu Co, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GP16 Core Top Major Elements | Core-top (0-1cm) sediment data from GEOTRACES EPZT (GP16) cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, GEOTRACES EPZT Suspended Particles | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GP16 CTD - ODF DownCasts | CTD - ODF DownCasts from TN303 | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | INSTRUMENT_ID |
GP16 d13C-DIC | The 13C/12C stable carbon isotopic ratio of the dissolved inorganic carbon from samples collected on the GEOTRACES EPZT cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT d13C-DIC | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GP16 d15N NO3 | Nitrate isotope data from the US GEOTRACES EPZT cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Nitrogen Isotopes | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GP16 delta 30Si | Profiles of stable isotopes of silicon in silicic acid from the US GEOTRACES EPZT cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, GEOTRACES EPZT Silicon Isotope | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GP16 DI Water Soluble Aerosols | DI water soluble trace element concentrations from bulk aerosol samples collected during the 2013 US GEOTRACES EPZT section cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Aerosol Collection | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GP16 Dissolved Aluminum | Concentrations of dissolved aluminum in samples collected on the U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT cruise | EPZT Shipboard Al Mn Fe, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | Deployment_type |
GP16 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon | Seawater Inorganic Carbon Data (DIC) from the 2013 US GEOTRACES EPZT cruise, TN303 | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Carbon | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GP16 Dissolved Iron - ODU | Water-column dissolved iron (Fe) concentrations for major stations occupied during U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT cruise; post-cruise analyses conducted at Old Dominion University | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Shipboard Al Mn Fe | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GP16 Dissolved iron speciation | Dissolved iron speciation from 2013 U.S. GEOTRACES Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect | EPZT Fe Cu Co, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GP16 Dissolved Manganese | Concentrations of dissolved manganese (Mn) in water-column samples from major stations that were occupied during the U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Shipboard Al Mn Fe | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GP16 Dissolved Organic Carbon | Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) measurements from the 2013 EPZT cruise of the US GEOTRACES Program. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, GEOTRACES EPZT Suspended Particles | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GP16 Dissolved REEs - OSU | GP16 Dissolved REEs - OSU | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Nd REEs | Sampling_Device |
GP16 Elemental selenium and particulate Acid-Volatile Sulfide | Particulate Acid-Volatile Sulfide (pAVS) and elemental Selenium (pSe) depth profiles from McLane pump | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT_Redox_Elements | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GP16 Helium Isotopes and Noble Gas Concentrations | Helium Isotopes and Noble Gas Concentrations from GEOTRACES 2013 Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Noble Gases He Tritium | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GP16 Lead-210 Aerosols | Aerosols collected during EPZT cruise, analyzed for Pb-210 | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, GEOTRACES EPZT Po Pb | sampler_type, GEOTRC_INSTR |
GP16 Mercury speciation dissolved | Mercury speciation across the US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect, from cruise TN303, 2013 | EPZT Mercury, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | inst |
GP16 Nitrate aerosol isotopes | Nitrate (NO3) aerosol isotopes from the U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT cruise | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Nitrogen Isotopes | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GP16 Particulate Iron Speciation | X-ray absorption spectroscopy data for particulate iron | EPZT Particle Geochemistry, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GP16 Pb Dissolved | Dissolved Pb passing through a 0.2 um Acropak capsule filter from US GEOTRACES EPZT cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Pb | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GP16 Radiocarbon DelC14 | Radiocarbon DelC14 from GEOTRACES 2013 Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT Noble Gases He Tritium | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GP16 Radium | Radium isotopes collected on the GEOTRACES EPZT cruise. | U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT, EPZT TEI Rates | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GP16 Tritium | Tritium Concentrations from GEOTRACES 2013 Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect | EPZT Noble Gases He Tritium, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GP16 Water Mass Percentages | Results from Optimum Multiparameter Water Mass Analysis (OMPA) for GP16 obtained using temperature, salinity, nutrient, and oxygen data | EPZT Noble Gases He Tritium, EPZT Nitrogen Isotopes, U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GP17-OCE Dissolved Seawater Barium Concentrations | GP17-OCE Dissolved seawater barium concentrations | GP17-OCE Ra and Ba isotopes, GP17-OCE | GEOTRC_INSTR |
GP17-OCE Dissolved Total and Labile Cobalt | GP17-OCE Dissolved Total and Labile Cobalt | GP17-OCE, GP17-OCE and GP17-ANT Cobalt and Protein Biomarkers | Gear_ID |
GP17-OCE Event Log | GP17-OCE Event Log | GP17-OCE | Instrument |
GP17-OCE Size-fractionated particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) | GP17-OCE Size-fractionated particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) | GP17-OCE Particle Composition, GP17-OCE | Pump |
GP17-OCE Water Column Radium Isotopes | GP17-OCE Water Column Radium Isotopes | GP17-OCE Ra and Ba isotopes, GP17-OCE and GP17-ANT Radium Isotopes, GP17-OCE | GEOTRC_INSTR |
Groves Creek: fluorescence and turbidity | fluorescence and turbidity | GrovesCreek | sonde_id |
Groves Creek: temperature, depth, salinity (Seabird MicroCat CTD) | CTD-MicroC | GrovesCreek | sonde_id |
GT10 - CTD and PUMP - Cast Events | CTD and PUMP - Cast Events | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | type |
GT10-11 - Fe Speciation | Profiles of concentrations of dissolved iron-binding ligands and their respective conditional stability constants | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | instr |
GT10-11 - Hg Aerosol | Concentration of atmospheric aerosol total mercury (Hg) from the 2010 and 2011 U.S. GEOTRACES cruises | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | filter |
GT10-11 - Hg Speciation | Mercury speciation across the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Zonal Section | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | instrument |
GT10-11 - Neodymium - LDEO | seawater Nd isotopes and concentrations from the US-GEOTRACES North Atlantic zonal transect (NAZT) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | Instrument |
GT10-11 - Neodymium - UH | seawater Nd isotopes and concentrations from the US-GEOTRACES North Atlantic zonal transect (NAZT) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | Instrument |
GT10-11 - Neodymium - USC | seawater Nd isotopes and concentrations from the US-GEOTRACES North Atlantic zonal transect (NAZT) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | Instrument |
GT10-11 - Particulate Po Pb | Particulate 210Po and 210Pb from US GEOTRACES North Atlantic KN199-04 and KN204-01 | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | instr |
GT10-11 - Pb isotope ratios | Isotope ratios of Pb passing through a 0.2 um Acropak capsule filter from the GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | instr |
GT10-11 - Ra Th | Radium and Thorium isotopes sampled by in situ pump on GT10 and GT11 cruises. | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | instr |
GT11 - CTD - GT-C Cast Sheets | CTD - GT-C Cast Sheets (PDF files) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | type |
GT11 - CTD - GT-C Sample Logs | CTD - GT-C Sample Logs (PDF files) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | type |
GT11 - CTD - ODF/SIOR Cast Sheets | CTD - ODF/SIOR Cast Sheets (PDF files) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | type |
GT11 - CTD - ODF/SIOR Sample Logs | CTD - ODF/SIOR Sample Logs (PDF files) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | type |
GT11 - CTD - PUMP Sample Logs | CTD - PUMP Sample Logs (.jpg files) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | type |
Guaymas Dissolved Radium AT42-05 | This dataset presents dissolved radium isotope activities around Guaymas Basin | Guaymas Basin Ra 224 Approach | Collection_Method |
Guaymas Water Column Radium AT37-06 | This dataset presents dissolved radium isotope activities around Guaymas Basin | Guaymas Basin Ra 224 Approach | Collection_Method |
HADES-K - Deployment Log | HADES-K - Deployment Log | HADES | Vehicle |
HADES-K Sediment Macrofaunal Diversity | HADES-K - macrofauna raw counts | HADES | Gear |
Hawaiian reef fish genetic accessions 2016 | Genetic accessions at NCBI Genbank | Hawaiian Fish Origins | Sequence_Analysis_Method |
Heatwave Experiment: Experiment Tank Conditions | Heatwave Experiment: Experiment Tank Conditions | Holobiont Integration | PAR_Instrument |
HOT LAVA Nitrogen | Water column nitrate+nitrite d15N and d18O and total dissolved nitrogen d15N measurements | SW Pac N2 fixation | Towfish_or_CTD_profile_station |
Howell caged cod metadata | trawl metadata: date, time, duration, number of fish in cage, manipulations | NEC_ProjDev | inst |
Hydrothermal vent parasite species reported in published literature | Literature review of deep-sea hydrothermal vent parasite, egg predator, and micropredator species | EPR Functional Diversity, Vent Settlement Cues | COLLECTION_PLATFORM_OR_INSTRUMENT |
Hydrothermal vent porewater nutrients - MPI | Guaymas nutrients (MPI) | HOTFUN | gear |
Ichthyoplankton Density - Bongo | Ichthyoplankton density and Plankton Displacement Volume data collected during the NSF RAPID Plankton Cruises using NOAA SEAMAP Bongo Plankton Nets | RAPID Plankton | GEAR_T, FM_M |
Ichthyoplankton Density - MOCNESS | Ichthyoplankton density and plankton displacement volume data collected using MOCNESS plankton nets on the NSF RAPID Plankton Cruises in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico in 2017-2018 | RAPID Plankton | GEAR_T |
Ichthyoplankton Density - Neuston | Ichthyoplankton density and plankton displacement volume data collected during the NSF RAPID Plankton Cruises using NOAA SEAMAP Neuston Plankton Nets | RAPID Plankton | GEAR_T, FM_M |
Ichthyoplankton Density - Ring | Ichthyoplankton density and plankton displacement volume data collected using SEA-GEAR plankton ring nets on the NSF RAPID Plankton Cruises in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico in 2017-2018 | RAPID Plankton | GEAR_T, FM_M |
Illumina Sequences | | SedimentaryIronCycle | Vessel, instrument_and_model |
In situ and ISCO data | S-CAN and geochemical data for Groves Creek | Marine priming effect | SCAN_no |
Integrated Euphausiid Abundance and Zooplankton Biomass | Gulf Stream Warm-Core and Cold-Core Rings integrated Euphausiid abundance and zooplankton biomass from 1970s, 1980s; column view | NAtlDarkData | tow_type |
Integrated Euphausiid Abundance and Zooplankton Biomass restructured | Gulf Stream Warm-Core and Cold-Core Rings integrated Euphausiid abundance and zooplankton biomass from 1970s, 1980s | NAtlDarkData | tow_type |
ISOHgII Rates | Hg(II) photoreduction rates and stable isotope enrichment | Phytoplankton MeHg | Reactor_type |
ISOMeHg Rates | MeHg photoreduction rates and stable isotope enrichment | Phytoplankton MeHg | Reactor_type |
JC057 eventlog | Event log for GEOTRACES Southwestern Atlantic Transect cruise RSS/James Cook JC057 | Nd Paleocirculation Proxy | instrument |
juv_fish_bycatch_redux | Species counts from control and gear manipulation trials to reduce bycatch of juvenile fish. | NEC_ProjDev | trial_id |
Kāneʻohe Bay Time-series - microbial community | Kāneʻohe Bay Time-series - microbial community | Pelagibacteromics | platform |
Kāneʻohe Bay Time-series - phytoplankton and biogeochemistry | Kāneʻohe Bay Time-series - phytoplankton and biogeochemistry | Pelagibacteromics | Amplicon_platform, Metagenome_platform |
Kelletia kelletii: DNA and RNA sequence | Kelletia kelletii: DNA and RNA sequence | KW connectivity | Instrument, Platform |
krill | Euphausiid abundance + size distribution (MOCNESS) from LMGould | SOGLOBEC | inst |
Krill barcodes | Euphausiid DNA barcode metadata and accession numbers from global oceans | Red Sea Krill | inst |
Mariana Back-arc Macrofauna 2014 | Macrofauna collected on colonization panels at Snail Vent Field on the Mariana Back-arc in 2014 | Mariana Back-arc Vents | basisOfRecord |
Metabarcoding zooplankton at station ALOHA: NCBI SRA accession numbers | NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA) accession numbers for fastq sequence files for each zooplankton community sample | Plankton Population Genetics | instrument_model |
Microbial eukaryotic diversity: Axial Seamount SRA | Axial seamount SRA | Microbial eukaryotes at hydrothermal vents | instrument_model |
Microbial eukaryotic diversity: Gorda Ridge SRA | Gorda Ridge SRA | Microbial eukaryotes at hydrothermal vents | instrument_model |
Microbial eukaryotic diversity: Mid-Cayman Rise SRA dataset | 18S rRNA amplicon sequencing of microbial eukaryotes | Microbial eukaryotes at hydrothermal vents | Instrument |
Microorganisms associated with pyrosomes | 16S rRNA sequencing pyrosome-associated microorganisms | Gelatinous Grazer Feeding | platform |
MiniDOT - El Rosario and Natividad | Moored physical and chemical parameters measured by MiniDOT | CNH-Baja Pacific, CA Current MS Abpop | Type_Instrument |
MIT Vane | MIT Vane | SIRENA | Vane |
MOC1 zoop abund | MOCNESS-1 Plankton Abundances | NEP | gear_type |
mooring_ef | Mooring data from the Eastern Flank Mooring (EF) deployed by R. Limeburner | GB | inst |
MULVFS Particulates ALOHA | MULVFS data from Station ALOHA | VERTIGO | pump |
MULVFS Particulates K2 | MULVFS data from station K2 | VERTIGO | pump |
MV1008 event log | Scientific sampling event log from cruise MV1008. | CRD FLUZiE | instr |
NBP10-02 Event log | Event log from Nathaniel B. Palmer cruise 10-02 to West Antarctic Peninsula | Antarctic_micronek | instrument |
NBP1608 Incubation Nutrients | NBP16-08 incubation dissolved macronutrient concentrations | Diatom_Bacteria_Ligands | NO3_NO2_INSTR, PO4_INSTR, SiO4_INSTR, NO2_INSTR, NH4_INSTR |
NBP1608 Station Nutrients | Dissolved macronutrient concentrations from NBP16-08 depth profiles | Diatom_Bacteria_Ligands | NO2_INSTR, NH4_INSTR, PLATFORM, NO3_NO2_INSTR, PO4_INSTR, SiO4_INSTR |
NBP1608 STN PIGMENTS | Chlorophyll and phaeopigment concentrations from near-surface profiles collected using the conventional CTD in the Southern Drake Passage and Antarctic Peninsular region on cruise NBP 16-08 | Diatom_Bacteria_Ligands | PLATFORM |
NBP1608 Underway Nutrients | Underway dissolved macronutrient concentrations from NBP16-08 | Diatom_Bacteria_Ligands | NO3_NO2_INSTR, PO4_INSTR, SiO4_INSTR, NO2_INSTR, NH4_INSTR |
Neocalanus Multinet | | Neocalanus Gulf of Alaska | NetNo |
neuston | neuston from salmon trawl cruise | NEP | inst |
NH1106 Midwater Trawl | Descriptive data from Isaacs-Kidd midwater trawls (IKMT) from NH1106, Guaymas Basin. | Jumbo Squid Physiology | instrument |
Nitrogen and carbon isotopes | Seawater and filter sample Nitrogen and Carbon isotopes from coastal and off-shore sites | Regenerated Nitrogen | instrument |
nmfs_CTDsb | Seabird 911 CTD | GB | instrument |
non-salmon meristics | Non-salmon meristics | NEP | inst |
Northern California Current Microorganisms | 16S rRNA gene of microorganisms | Gelatinous Grazer Feeding | platform |
OC1703A Sediment 16S rRNA and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequences | OC1703A Sediment 16S rRNA and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequences | Deep Sediment N Fix | platform |
OC1703A Sediment MG-MT | OC1703A Sediment MG-MT | Deep Sediment N Fix | instrument_model, platform |
OC1703A Sediment nifH amplicon sequences | OC1703A Sediment nifH amplicon sequences | Deep Sediment N Fix | Sequencing_platform, Instrument_model |
Ocean Crust Microbiome Amplicon Metadata | Metadata for sequence datasets used in ocean crust microbiome survey | Slow Life in Crust | Sequencer_Type |
oithona_abund | Abundance data of Oithona species from the Pacific and Indian Oceans Related data object: Oithona station data | Nishida-Oithona | instr |
oithona_depth | Abundance of Oithona species by depth from the Pacific + Indian Oceans | Nishida-Oithona | instr |
oithona_metadata | Station data supporting oithona abundance data | Nishida-Oithona | instr |
P. xiphias SRA | P. xiphias SRA, accessions, collection info | Plankton Population Genetics | instrument_model |
Palau Environmental: 2011-2015 | Environmental sensor data 2011-2015 | PaPaPro | method |
Palau Lake Core Properties | Core Logger Physical Properties for Palau Lakes Sediment Cores | PaPaPro | Device |
Physical Monitoring Data | Dissolved oxygen and temperature data from loggers deployed in Bahia Almirante | Coral microbiome resilience | logger |
Phytoplankton abundance from bottles and environmental data | Environmental and phytoplankton bottle data from Juneau, AK. | SEAK-AHAB | instrument |
Phytoplankton abundance from net tows and environmental data | Environmental and phytoplankton net tow data from Juneau, AK. | SEAK-AHAB | instrument |
Pocillopora sequences from 2019 | | Pocilloporid Coral Diversity | Instrument |
Pooled sequencing data from field-collected Eurytemora affinis | | Evolutionary genomics of a copepod | Instrument |
Pore Water Depth Profiles CL2015 | Sediment pore water and solid phase geochemical analyses | Soluble Fe Fluxing | Collection_Type |
Pore Water Depth Profiles CL2016 | Sediment pore water and solid phase geochemical analyses from samples collected on R/V Savannah cruise SAV-16-16 at the Cape Lookout Continental Shelf and Slope during May 2016 | Soluble Fe Fluxing | Collection_Type |
Pseudo-nitzschia counts, nutrients and more | Pseudo-nitzschia counts, nutrients and more | C-AIM | YSI_Instrument, Nutrient_analyzer, Fluorometer |
RADseq data from Atlantic silversides used for linkage and QTL mapping | | GenomAdapt | platform |
RHB_ostracods | Ostracod species from the Ron Brown cruise - Sargasso Sea | CMarZ_2004-2010 | instrument |
RR2201 Event Log | RR2201 Event Log | BLOOFINZ-IO | Instrument |
RR2311 Event Log | RR2311 Event Log | NO2Ox_OMZs | Rosette |
salmon meristics | Salmonid Meristics and Necropsy Data | NEP | inst |
Salp and pteropod associated microorganisms | 16S rRNA sequencing salp and pteropod microorganisms | Gelatinous Grazer Feeding | platform |
Sample Accession Numbers | Project accession and library information on each experimental sample | Upwelled Phytoplankton Dynamics | platform, instrument_model |
Sample log | Metadata from sediment samples collected at Paleochori Bay, Milos island, Greece | Hydrothermal Autotrophic Carbon Fixation | sampling_instr |
SBE37 - El Rosario and Natividad | Moored physical and chemical parameters measured by SBE37 at El Rosario and Isla Natividad sites, Mexico | CNH-Baja Pacific, CA Current MS Abpop | Type_Instrument |
SEAFET - Natividad | Moored physical and chemical parameters measured by SEAFET | CNH-Baja Pacific, CA Current MS Abpop | Type_Instrument |
seal_ID_info | Physical data (sex, weight, tag ID no.) from Harbor Seals tagged in the San Juan Islands, 2007-2008 | Seal_response_to_prey | inst, inst2, inst3 |
SeapHOx Time-series | Temperature, salinity, oxygen, and pH measured by SeapHOx sensors at two locations | Seagrass Blue Carbon | Pump |
SECM_zoop | Zooplankton counts for the Southeast Alaska Coastal Monitoring | NEP | inst |
SERC 2019 viral dilution incubations | Gene copy number counts and 16S analyses of July 2019 Rhode River surface water incubated with or without viral dilution | identify cyano infections | Instrumentation |
SERC time series | Water quality data, gene copy number counts, and 16S analyses from Rhode River samples collected at SERC | identify cyano infections | Instrumentation |
Shipboard incubations SKQ202209S | Shipboard incubations SKQ202209S | pH-Fe availability | PLATFORM |
Sinking particle sample information for BATS microbial communities | | Marine Plankton Aggregation | platform, instrument_model |
Siphonophore sample log | Siphonophore sample log | SiphWeb | RovName |
sonobuoy_whale | Sonobuoy (Whale-acoustic) data | SOGLOBEC | inst |
Sponge Symbiont Carbon and Nutrient Cycling | Sponge Symbiont Carbon and Nutrient Cycling | Sponge_Loop | Platform |
Sr Experiment: EDS | Sr Experiment: EDS | Coccolithophore Silicon Requirements | Magnification, KeV |
SRA_CH0112 metadata | Physical meta associated with marine metagenome samples collected along the New England Shelf, USA | CiliateSequencing | samp_collect_device |
SSU rRNA Gene Sequencing from SPOT | SSU rRNA Gene Sequencing from SPOT | SPOT | instrument_platform |
Summary CTD data | CTD summary data from phytoplankton monitoring sites in Juneau, AK. | SEAK-AHAB | instrument |
TEN Light Data | Light data collected from loggers deployed at the Thalassia Experimental Network (TEN) sites | Tropicalization Seagrass Beds | logger_serial_number |
TEN Temperature Data | Temperature data collected from loggers deployed at the Thalassia Experimental Network (TEN) sites | Tropicalization Seagrass Beds | data_origin |
Thalassinid hydraulics and oxygen dynamics | Images, porewater pressure, O2 data from lab expts of Thalassinids in diff sediment types. | Infaunal Hydraulics | press_sensor |
Thuwal event log | Event log for RV/Thuwal-2014-01 in the Red Sea near Economic City (ECDEEP), January 2014 | Red Sea Krill | inst |
TI668 eventlog | Event log for TI-668, May 2013 | GoME OA Pteropods | inst |
TI700 eventlog | Event log for TI-700, August 2013 | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | inst |
TI715 eventlog | Event log for TI715, October 2013 | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | inst |
TI725 eventlog | Event log for TI725, January 2014 | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | inst |
TI729 eventlog | Event log for TI729, January 2014 | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | instrument |
TI746 eventlog | Event log for TI746, April 2014 | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | instrument |
TI777 eventlog | Event log for TI777, August 2014 | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | inst |
TI787 eventlog | Event log for TI787, November 2014 | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | inst |
TN327 Axial 2015 MAPR Mooring Data | | NeMO2015 | MAPR |
trawl catch - CCS | Trawl catches, abundance, biomass | NEP | inst |
trawl_catch_fishlen - CGOA | Fish lengths from CGOA trawl data | NEP | gear |
Tricho N Atlantic - OC469 | Trichodesmium species in the North Atlantic from OC469, 2010 | Trichodesmium | inst_Tricho |
Tricho N Atlantic - OC471 | Trichodesmium species in the North Atlantic from OC471, 2011 | Trichodesmium | inst_Tricho |
Trichodesmium AHL metatranscriptomes_AE1409 | GenBank Trichodesmium accessions and associated metadata | P Processing by Tricho | platform, instrument_model |
Urchin Respiration Rates | Pencil urchin respiration rates | Temperature and Herbivory | Chamber_Channel |
Vertical Plankton Tow - VPT | Vertical Plankton Tow (VPT) data from 1997 - 2003 | NEP | gear_type |
Vouchered specimens | Vouchered specimens | Costa Rica Seeps | submersible |
Warm Core Rings Stratified Euphausiid Abundance and Zooplankton Biomass | Gulf Stream Warm-Core Rings stratified euphausiid abund and zoop biomass- 1981-86 | NAtlDarkData | tow_type |
zooplankton biovols from canyons | Zooplankton biovolumes from Atlantis and Veatch Canyons, 2009 to 2012 | Canyon Krill | inst |
Zooplankton from hypoxic waters of Chesapeake Bay | Zooplankton - esp. copepods - from hypoxic waters of the Chesapeake Bay | DeZoZoo | gear |
Zooplankton metabolic traits | Respirometry data for pelagic crustaceans, cephalopods, and fish | Metabolic Index | Respirometer |
zooplankton tow meta | Zooplankton net haul metadata and specimen removal records | Calanus_Diapause | gear_type |
ZooProcess and Ecotaxa Output Along Physical Gradients from OAPS | | Zooplankton Gradients | acq_instrument |
ZooProcess and Ecotaxa Output for Zooplankton Mediated Aggregates | | Zooplankton Mediation | acq_instrument |
zoop_ANT-XXIV_1 | Zooplankton identified on Polarstern cruise ANT-XXIV_1 in the Eastern Atlantic | CMarZ_2004-2010 | inst |
zoop_RHB0603 | Zooplankton species identified during RHB0603 in the Sargasso Sea | CMarZ_2004-2010 | instrument |
zoo_cb_meter_bongo | Zooplankton meter3 counts from GSO/URI - Bongo Nets only | GB | inst |
zoo_cb_meter_moc | Zooplankton meter3 count data from GSO/URI - MOCNESS 1m2 only | GB | inst |
zoo_cb_meter_pump | Zooplankton meter3 counts from GSO/URI - Pump data only | GB | inst |
zoo_sq_meter_bongo | Zooplankton meter2 counts from GSO/URI - Bongo Nets only | GB | inst |
zoo_sq_meter_moc | Zooplankton meter2 count from GSO/URI - 1m2 MOCNESS nets only | GB | inst |
zoo_sq_meter_pump | Zooplankton meter2 counts from GSO/URI - Pump data only | GB | inst |
Zostera marina whole genome resequencing | Zostera marina whole genome resequencing | ZosteraEcoGenomics | Instrument |
[DEPRECATED] GN01 Dissolved Mercury Species | | GEOTRACES Arctic Mercury, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | GEOTRC_INSTR |
[DEPRECATED] GN01 Particulate Mercury | | GEOTRACES Arctic Mercury, U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic | GEOTRC_INSTR |